What Can Cause Testicular Cancer

What Can Causes Testicular Cancer

What can cause testicular cancer? The testes are male reproductive organs that secrete male hormones and produce spermatozoa, where the malignant tumor arises is testicular cancer, mostly from spermatozoa producing spermatocytes. It is cancer that occurs only in men, and its frequency is about 1 to 2 people per 100,000 people, and the good age is infancy of 2 years old or younger and adolescent of 20s and 30s. Although the relationship with cryptorchidism and trauma has been pointed out, there are not necessarily causal relationships.

Symptoms are lumps in the scrotum and testicular swelling without pain or fever. What can cause testicular cancer - Because it is not painful, it causes metastasis at a high rate when left unattended, and it may be found in symptoms due to metastatic lesions. When metastasis to lymph nodes around the abdominal aorta or vena cava occurs, it will be touched as an abdominal mass or appeal for back pain. Also, when many lung metastases occur, cough and phlegm mixed with blood will come out.

Diagnosis first checks the mass (lump) by palpation inside the scrotum. In addition, ultrasound examination allows you to observe and diagnose the appearance in the testes. What can cause testicular cancer - Depending on the tissue type, some tumor markers such as AFP, HCG, LDH are elevated, so blood tests are also performed. See Also: Testicular Cancer In Dogs

If testicular cancer is suspected, this cancer grows very quickly and has characteristics that it is easy to metastasize. Therefore, the surgeon immediately extracts the testis with the meaning of diagnosis and performs histopathologically Confirmation will be carried out.

What can cause testicular cancer - Once the diagnosis of testicular cancer is confirmed, we will then make a diagnosis of the presence or absence of metastasis. In many cases, it is the lymph nodes around the abdominal aorta which metastasize first from the testes via lymphatic vessels. It then spreads to the lungs and more to the liver, the brain and others. For abdominal lymph node metastasis and liver metastasis, abdominal CT, abdominal ultrasonography, sometimes MRI etc. are carried out. For pulmonary metastasis, simple chest radiography and chest CT are performed. For brain metastasis, MRI or brain CT is performed.

Testicular cancer is a rare disease, can be treated thoroughly and has a good prognosis in the group of cancers of the genital tract in men. Patients with testicular cancer often show testicular pain, testicular than normal. If not treated properly, in time, can lead to impotence, poor sperm count. What is the cause of testicular cancer?

What Causes Testicular Cancer

1. Testicular Tests. It is possible that some of the effects from outside of your living environment, such as exercise, may also exert a tremendous impact on the affected testicle. What can cause testicular cancer - Abnormal cells in the testicle (testicular cancer): its original overgrowth of the cellular process, causing cancerous tissue cells.

2. Calcium in the testicle. In the testicles contains a lot of calcium. Misuse of sexual relations or excessive masturbation also causes calcium deficiency. Some symptoms of calcium deficiency in the testicles can cause back pain.

3. Lymph nodes. Nodes are divided into three types: benign nodes, malignant nodes, and lymph nodes. Nodules in the armpit can cause testicular cancer in men, breast cancer in women.

4. The hidden. The testicle is the condition where the testicle is not located in the abdominal cavity. Usually, the testicles develop inside the abdomen of the fetus and in the fetal stage or in the first 3 months after birth, the testicles will move from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum. About 3% of children suffer from this. Some testicles are still in the abdomen, others, the testicles begin to go down but are trapped in the groin.

After about 12 months of birth, the testicles continue to move down the scrotum to organs to improve the sexual organs in boys. If during the 12 months, the testicles are not down the scrotum, the likelihood of growing older, the boy will have hidden testicle. People with hidden testicles will have a higher chance of developing testicular cancer than others.

5. Family history. People who have a father or brother who has had testicular cancer are more likely to develop this disease. Men should have the habit of testing themselves at least once a month to detect early signs and symptoms associated with testicular cancer.

6. HIV infection There is. some evidence that men who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), especially those with AIDS, are at increased risk of developing testicular cancer. In addition to the HIV virus, no virus has been shown to increase the risk of testicular cancer.

7. Previously treated with testicular cancer. Patients who have had treatment for testicular cancer have a higher risk of recurrence of the disease. In addition to the above factors, people who have had testicular inflammation, who work in extreme heat such as miners, long-distance drivers, infertile people, testicular people are also at high risk of cancer. testicular epithelium.

What can cause testicular cancer - Side effects of anticancer drugs include gastrointestinal symptoms such as anorexia, nausea and vomiting, peripheral nerve disorders such as kidney dysfunction, tinnitus, hearing loss, the perception of the end of the fingers, decrease in white blood cell count and platelet count and hair loss And so on. This renal dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy may remain permanently. However, by taking thorough measures to reduce side effects, it is possible to prevent it considerably. Radiation therapy performed on seminoma does not currently have a high total dose, so side effects are not very severe even when irradiated on lymph nodes around the abdominal large vessels. General malaise during irradiation, anorexia nervosa, diarrhea, slight fever, etc. are also temporary