Liver Cancer Symptoms In Males

Liver Cancer Symptoms In Males

Liver cancer symptoms in males - Cancer of the liver is a type of cancer that begins in the liver. Some cancers develop outside of the liver and spread to the area. However, only cancer that starts in the liver is described as liver cancer. Liver cancer is composed of malignant liver tumors in the liver or liver. In the United States, approximately 22 000 men and 9 000 women with liver cancer are diagnosed each year. It is fatal in about 17 000 males and 8 000 females per year.

Where's the heart? The liver is located under the right lung and under the rib cage, is one of the largest organs of the human body. It has various functions, including the removal of toxins from the body, and is very important for survival. The heart has several functions. It releases bile into the intestine to absorb the fat, unfolds and stores the nutrients, produced by the blood clotting factors needed to stop the bleeding and smashing toxic substances such as alcohol and drugs. After the decay of toxic substances can be removed from the body via urine or feces. One of the causes of cirrhosis, the liver scars, is alcoholism. One cannot live without a heart, so closing the liver or failure of the liver is fatal.

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can develop into tissue scars (fibrosis) or liver cancer. Liver cancer symptoms in males - Hepatitis can be caused by toxic substances, infections or autoimmune diseases. Common viruses that cause hepatitis are called types A, B, C, D, and E. It is possible to prevent hepatitis vaccines available for types A, B, and E.

Liver Cancer Symptoms In Males

The causes of liver cancer in men and women tend to be the same. The signs and symptoms of liver cancer tend not to be noticed until cancer reaches the progress stage. Malignant liver tumors are a distant area that is most or far spread from tumors that appear elsewhere in the body. This tumor is not true liver cancer. Instead, the liver is named based on the location of the origin, such as lung cancer. True liver cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in hepatocytes. Liver cancer symptoms in males - The symptoms of liver cancer occur most frequently in the final stages of the disease, including weight loss, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, fatigue, and swelling of the stomach.

These symptoms are rather nonspecific and can occur with cancer in other places and some chronic illnesses. Other symptoms of liver cancer include yellowish coloration of the skin and white eyes (jaundice), enlarged, soft liver and concave.

How can liver cancer occur? What is the cause? It is unclear what causes most cases of liver cancer. But in some cases, the cause is known. For example, chronic infections with certain hepatitis viruses can cause liver cancer. Liver cancer occurs when the liver cells develop changes (mutations) in their DNA material that provides instructions for each chemical process in your body. DNA mutations cause changes in this statement. One result is that cells can start to grow without control and eventually form tumors in a mass of cancer cells.

What Are The Treatment Options For Liver Cancer

Liver cancer symptoms in males - What is the cure for liver cancer? In the early stages of treatment, liver cancer patients may only recover from a surgery that completely removes the tumor. The choice of medical treatment depends on the degree of spread of cancer and the overall health of the liver. For example, the level of liver cirrhosis (scarring) in the liver can determine the treatment options for cancer. Similarly, the spread and enlargement of the spread of cancer outside the liver tissues play an important role in the type of treatment that is most effective.

1. Surgery: Liver cancer can sometimes be surgically treated to remove the liver with cancer surgical options provided for smaller tumor size tumors. Complications from surgery may include bleeding (which may be severe), infection, pneumonia or side effects of anesthesia.

2. Liver transplant: Candidates for liver transplantation may not have tumors larger than 5 cm or with tumors greater than 3 cm. The risk of returning a cancer is too great to justify a dangerous process, such as a Transplant if the tumor is greater than this. With successful transplants, the risk of returning cancer is significantly reduced and normal functioning can be restored.

However, the immune system can "discard" new organs, insult them as foreign objects and there is the limited possibility of a transplant. Only about 6,500 babies are available every year and many are used to treat diseases other than liver cancer. Medications that suppress the immune system to accept the new liver can also cause serious infections and, in some cases, even spread the metastatic tumors.

3. Ablation therapy: This is a procedure that can destroy cancer cells in the liver without surgical intervention. Doctors can kill cancer cells using heat, lasers or by injecting alcohol or specific acids directly into cancer. This technique can also be used in palliative care when cancer is inoperable.

4. Embolization: Blocking the blood supply of cancer can be done using a procedure called Embolization. This technique uses a catheter to inject particles or beads that can clog the blood vessels that feed cancer. Cancer of starvation provides blood to prevent cancer growth. When this technique uses chemotherapy and synthetic ingredients, it is sometimes called tace, because it blocks blood supply and captures chemotherapy agents in tumors. This technique is usually used in patients with high liver cancer for levels. Embolization complications include fever, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

5. Radiation therapy: Radiation uses high energy rays directed towards cancer to kill cancer cells. Normal liver cells are also very susceptible to radiation. Radiotherapy complications include skin irritation near the site of treatment, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting.

6. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses drugs that kill cancer cells. Medication can be administered orally or by injection into the vein or artery that nourishes the liver. People can have different side effects from chemotherapy, depending on the medicine used and the individual response of the patient. Chemotherapia complications include fatigue, mild bruising, hair loss, nausea and vomiting, swollen legs, diarrhea and sores in the mouth. These side effects are usually temporary.