Liver Cancer Symptoms NHS

Liver Cancer Symptoms NHS

Liver cancer symptoms NHS - Primary liver cancer is a rare but severe type of cancer that begins in the liver. This is a separate condition from the secondary liver cancer, where cancer develops in other parts of the body and spreads to the liver.

What are the symptoms of liver cancer in humans? Symptoms of liver cancer are often blurred and do not appear until the cancer is in an advanced stage. They may include: accidental weight loss; Appetite Feel very full after eating, even if the food is small; Feeling nauseous and vomiting; Pain or swelling in the abdomen (stomach); Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and the white part of your eye); Itchy skin; Feel very tired and weak.

If you see any of the above symptoms, visit your doctor. They are more likely to be the result of more general conditions, such as infection, but they should check it out. You should also contact your doctor if you have previously been diagnosed with a condition known to affect the liver, such as cirrhosis or hepatitis C infection, and your health suddenly worsens.

What Liver Cancer Causes?

Liver cancer symptoms NHS - The exact cause of liver cancer is unknown, but most cases are associated with injury and scarring of the liver called cirrhosis. Cirrhosis can have a number of different causes, including: Drinking large amounts of alcohol for years; Has prolonged hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C infection hemochromatosis, an inherited disease in which iron levels in the body slowly increase over the years; Primary Gallkirros, a long-term liver disease in which bile ducts in the liver are damaged; Also thought that it is obesity and an unhealthy diet can increase the risk of liver cancer because it can cause alcohol free fatty liver disease.

You may be able to reduce your chances of developing liver cancer significantly by: avoiding or reducing alcohol, eating healthy, exercising regularly, taking steps to reduce the risk of infection with hepatitis B and C.

Although liver cancer is relatively rare in the UK, the possibility of developing this condition is high for people with risk factors for the condition. Over the past few decades, Liver cancer rates in the UK has increased rapidly, possibly as a result of increased alcohol consumption and obesity.

Liver Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment

Liver cancer symptoms NHS - Liver cancer is usually diagnosed after a consultation with a general practitioner and a reference to a hospital specialist for further testing, such as a scan of your liver. However, regular controls of liver cancer (called monitoring) are often recommended for people who are known to have a high risk of developing the condition, such as those who have cirrhosis. By performing routine checking, it is checked that the condition is diagnosed before. The previous liver cancer is diagnosed, the more effective the treatment is.

Treatment of liver cancer depends on the state's current condition. If previously diagnosed, it is possible to completely remove cancer. Treatment options in the early stages of liver cancer include: surgical resection, surgery to remove the liver; Liver transplant, where the liver is replaced by a donor's heart; Microwave or radiofrequency ablation, where microwaves or radio waves are used to destroy cancer cells.

However, only a small percentage of liver cancer is diagnosed at the stage where this treatment is appropriate. Most people are diagnosed when cancer has spread too far to be removed or completely destroyed. In this case, treatments such as chemotherapy are used to slow the spread of cancer and alleviate symptoms such as pain and discomfort.

Conclusion: The success of liver cancer treatment is more likely when the cancer is given in a timely manner. Treatment depends on a number of factors. This includes: Specific types of liver cancer, the size of the tumor, whether it has spread to other parts of the body and whether the tumor can be surgically removed. Treatment includes chemotherapy. This will focus on shrinking the tumor. Surgery then removes the remaining tumor. Chemotherapy will continue after surgery.

Chemotherapy can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, hair loss and fatigue. The pediatrician is discussing with you before starting treatment. It is important to note that only side effects persist during treatment. Sometimes side effects may appear later and children will have a slightly increased risk of developing other types of cancer.

What happens next? Liver cancer can often be cured if it is caught in time and if the tumor is small and can be surgically removed. Sometimes cancer can return, either in the liver or elsewhere. Your child will undergo regular blood tests to monitor their AFP levels.