Where Does Testicular Cancer Spread?

Where Does Testicular Cancer Spread

Where does testicular cancer spread? Testicular cancer is a disease that occurs when in the testis sperm of abnormal cells formed and uncontrollable. Although a rare situation, representing 1% of all male defects, is the most common type of cancer among young people between 15 and 35 years old. Early detection, with diagnosis and treatment based on multidisciplinary methods, this form of cancer has a chance of healing. Learn below as the first symptom and where cancer is spreading, as well as how it can be found in time!

Why does testicular cancer occur? This is a question that the doctors and researchers have no clear answer, but research is done over time has pointed out some risk factors: males have no scrotum (a condition also known as Cryptorchidia) There is the highest risk of developing testicular cancer. Risk decreases when surgery adjusts. As much of the intervention is made right from a young, the risk of developing testicular cancer is low. This is also why the surgical decline of the testis sperm should be done until the age of two.

Testicular cancer is a malignant tumor that can spread to lymph nodes, lungs, liver, brain and other organs through lymph and blood if left to be treated. Where does testicular cancer spread? The risk of testicular cancer increases due to hormonal disorders (hormonal imbalance) often due to genetic and nutrient factors caused, but also due to infectious and genital diseases. Although the exact element of testicular cancer remains unknown, the risk factors for the disease have been identified. Men with testicular glass (cryptorchidism) tend to have a higher risk of developing testicular cancer. The risk still exists even if the testis has been surgically cut off. The rare factors that include abnormal sperm development and congenital Klinefelter syndrome (a genetic disorder in which boys are born with X chromosomes, thereby causing hindrances for the male testosterone production). Interestingly, studies have pointed out that only white men may have testicular cancer, due to the fact that no instances of this disease have been reported in men of other races.

Early Symptoms of Testicular Cancer

The initial symptom of testicular cancer consists of changes in the shape and size of the testigenic, the advent of the testicular pelvis or testicular, scrotum, or testicular inflammation. In most cases, the changes are not painful, but the sperm pain may be the first symptom in about 1/5 patients.

Where does testicular cancer spread. Most cases of testicular cancer (over 90%) develop within cells are responsible for producing germ cells. The doctor can locate the correct and type of testicular cancer through a microscope investigation by the surgical section. Germ cells are also divided into planets and are not refined. Cancer develops in semen cells "develop " and spread slower and have better response rates for complementary medicines. On the other hand, cancer is in non-semen cells grow and spread faster.

Testicular cancer can be treated with surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, often associated. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are complementary treatments. These types of treatment and graph treatment are consistent with the type of tissue of the tumor, stage, tumor markers, results of the image investigation. "This activity involves eliminating the testicular testigenic, but not by cutting the scrotum because of the risk of spreading the cancer, but through the inguinal canal. For aesthetic reasons, the restoration can be used to replace the scrotum testitology that has been extinct, "more urologists.

Although the disease has a small proportion, males should still have regular control Testi's. Many of the symptoms of testified with the scrotum, change the essence position, swelling in a testified or enlarged and accumulation of translation at sudden scrotum can be determined by touching. Pain in the testis sperm, abdomen, groin or waist; Changes often in the blood. In some cases, back pain, chest enlarged or nipple, chest pain, rapid breathing, and blood phlegm (such as the spread of disease, metastatic lungs occur).

If one or more of these manifestations, the urologist should be advised immediately. Periodic control regularly allows early detection of tumors soon. Men are encouraged to learn how to self-test the testis sperm during adolescence and continue to do so in years to come.

To diagnose this cancer ultrasound is necessary. Ultrasound is used to determine the diagnosis of testicular cancer, because this method can determine the number of blood cancer markers. Usually, the testication test is also done. Computer tomography are used to evaluate the level of the disease.

Before the treatment of testicular cancer, men question important questions: Does their procedure affect their sex life and their fertility? Where does testicular cancer spread. Unfortunately, in some cases, testicular cancer can cause infertility to be permanent. Patients wishing to have children in the future should freeze the sperm before treatment. However, if only the Testihoan is eliminated, infertility and sexual potential are not a problem. To compensate for the function of the distal testization, healthy testis sperm will create more testosterone and more sperm.