Palm Oil and Cancer Research


Palm Oil and Cancer Research – palm oil health dangers? Yesterday, our research was funded by Professor Benitah at the IRB in Barcelona, Spain the main hit with some who claim that cancer patients should avoid eating a high fat to help stop cancer from spreading, so is this true? The research we help fund is not being tested in patients yet, so here is an explanation of what it could mean research for the future.

New research all about? A team of researchers to identify the cells responsible for metastasis (a spread of cancer) and shows the main components of many types of fats, including palm oil, can help speed up the process. What exactly do the researchers find, and what does this mean for us when palm oil is now in everything from toothpaste to peanut butter? Cancer is most deadly when it began to spread, as a successful treatment much more difficult. Scientists around the world because it seeks to understand how the process occurs and then develop new ways to stop it.

Palm Oil and Cancer Research

The team in Spain that found a protein called CD36 present at the cell-cell cancer metastases from patients with a variety of different tumors including oral tumors, cancer, ovarian, bladder, lung and breast cancer skin melanoma. To confirm the important role of CD36 in the spread of cancer, they are added to the non-metastatic cancer cells caused the cells to become metastatic. See alsoNutella Cancer Snopes

“We expect this research to have a huge impact on the scientific community and to progress further in metastasis (spread of cancer) study and we hope to be able to validate the potential of CD36 as a treatment of anti-metastasis. Things like this don’t happen every day,” said Professor Benitah.

They then studied the behavior of samples of tumors of the oral human injected into mice, where they grow and spread to the far site (metastasis) as they do in patients. Although all cells are able to grow and develop the tumor, only the tumor that is produced by the cells of the CD36 continues to spread throughout the body.

CD36 sit in the cell membrane where its job is to move fatty acids from outside the cell to the middle. The researchers were wondering how a high-fat diet will have an impact on cancer spread, given the key role of CD36. Interestingly, a high-fat diet or a direct stimulation of the cells with saturated fatty acid called palmitic acid (a major component of palm oil) increase their ability to spread.

What does this mean for me? “In mice inoculated with tumor cells human, there seems to be a direct link between fat intake and increase the potential for metastatic via CD36. Further research is needed to unravel this relationship is interesting, above all because the industrial countries registered an alarming increase in the consumption of saturated fat and sugar,” warns Professor Benitah. “Fat is necessary for body function, but uncontrolled intake can have an effect on Health, as has been shown for some tumors such as colon cancer, and in metastases, as we showed here.”

This research was done in mice and the findings still need to be confirmed in humans about the impact of diet cancer spreads. But this work is still to be taken as a warning that another shot against the excessive consumption of fatty foods. The extent to which dietary fat may or may not directly affect the risk of cancer is still not completely known. Some research suggests to some groups of people, probably because of hormonal changes. However, too much fat affects Your health in other ways. The consumption of excessive calories can lead to excess weight or obesity, which itself is associated with an increased risk of a number of cancers. And too much saturated fatty acids (palmitic acid which one is) can improve Your cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of other serious conditions including heart disease and stroke.

High cholesterol has also been associated with cancer. Even former cancer research in the world grant holder Dr Michelle Hill and her team at the University of Queensland in Australia found that a diet high cholesterol may increase the spread of prostate cancer in mice. But for the sake of balance is also worth pointing out that there is no fat wholly ‘bad’ and we do need some fat in our diet to stay healthy.

How does this research link to palm oil? Palmitic acid is the main component of animal and some vegetable fats and is found in very high levels in palm oil. Palm oil is a type of vegetable oil derived from the palm fruit of the African tree light, cheap and easy to use. Few of us realize how much palm oil we eat and come into contact with every day. It is used in a lot of various household products-from peanut butter to toothpaste. It makes the oven chips our crunchy and stops the shampoo stripping of our hair. You probably will not even realize how much palm oil You eat already.

Palm oil has been around for a long time, but it has never happened before has been used with such vigor. And it’s set to become more ubiquitous. Compared with the level of the year 2000, Greenpeace estimates the demand for palm oil will triple by 2050. The consumer boom it has triggered a discussion of the ethical and ecological apply and use efforts to increase sustainable palm oil. It is also very important that researchers understand the implications of any health for us-the humans who unwittingly eat, wash and bathe in it every day.

So we should stop eating palm oil? Like every part of our diet, moderation is always a good idea. Research is still limited on the potential health Pros and cons of palmitic acid and the consumption of palm oil, and it is clearly too early to start throwing out all the meat, milk, and everything else that contain palmitic acid. And the food is never all ‘good’ or all ‘bad’. Natural food containing palmitic acid can contain a number of other compounds that the body needs to stay healthy.

But that said, Dr. Aznar Benitah research to help add to the other pieces of the puzzle that explain why excessive consumption of processed foods and foods that contain high levels of saturated fatty acids may not be a good idea. We are waiting for the next part of the puzzle with the flowers.

What’s next for this research? Professor Benitah the next step is to try to develop a drug or antibody that can turn off the CD36 protein. She already has evidence that by doing this in rats, it can dramatically reduce the spread of 80-90% in some cancer cells and abolish the others. If he could develop something that could be used in humans to stop the spread of cancer that could potentially save thousands of lives every year.

Palm Oil Health Dangers

What it is palm oil and You can give cancer after the scare of Nutella? Palm oil, a product found in hundreds of brands of food a day-to-day, has been the subject of claims that it can cause cancer when heated above 200 degrees Celsius.

But what of palm oil and should we be worried? Palm oil is edible vegetable oil that is produced from the seeds of palm tree of Africa. Although originating from West Africa, palm oil may develop where there is a lot of heat and rain. Palm oil is currently grown throughout Africa, Asia, North and South America. 85% of global manufactured and exported from Indonesia and Malaysia.

This is a vegetable oil that is most consumed on the planet, appearing only in the bottom two all packaged products found in supermarkets. This is the source of the most efficient vegetable oil and its use is growing quickly-which is a threat to habitats in the tropical rainforest, where it grows. The fear that palm oil causes cancer which is caused by a compound called glycidyl fatty acid Ester (GE), which is produced when palm oil is heated above 200 degrees Celsius.

The oil is heated above this temperature during the process of a lot of food, but Nutella has received largely negative press. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), oil palm produces more of the contaminants that could potentially lead to than other oils when it reaches this temperature of cancer. However, it is not advising consumers to stop eating it, say that more studies are needed before the level of risk can be calculated correctly.

The European Commission allowed a detailed study of contaminants in the year 2014, after EFSA carried out a study in 2014 that seem to be substances produced during the refining industry and identified as products potentially dangerous.

Enrico Brivio, a spokesman for health and food safety, said that the guidance will be released at the end of this year. He said that preventive measures risk potential could include regulations to limit the level of contaminants known as the GE in food products. However, it will be no ban on the use of palm oil. In the report, which was published by EFSA in May 2016, information about how toxins glycidol compounds of parental GE-is considered, with the assumption that GE converted to glycidol after eating or drinking. See alsoMasturbation Prostate Cancer

Dr. Helle Knutsen, Chairman of the CONTAM Panel, said: “there is Not enough evidence that the glycidol genotoxic and carcinogenic properties, therefore the CONTAM Panel did not set a safe level for GE.” Ferrero has answered the claim that the palm oil in Nutella can cause cancer by saying this using industrial processes that combine a temperature just below 200 degrees Celsius and very low pressure for contamination. The company told Reuters that the process takes a long time, and cost 20 percent more than the distillation of high temperature. However, Ferrero said the end result is that GE is a very low level that the scientific instruments find it difficult to keep track of the chemical.

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