Symptoms of Lung Cancer on Different Stages

Symptoms of lung cancer on different stages, early and first stages in Men and Women information – The majority of lung cancer does not cause any symptoms until they have spread, but some people with early lung cancer have symptoms. If you go to your doctor when you first notice symptoms of cancer, you may be diagnosed at an early stage, when treatment is more likely to be effective. The most common symptoms of lung cancer are: (1) A cough that does not go away or getting worse, (2) Coughing blood or rust-colored sputum (saliva or phlegm), (3) Chest pain is often worse with deep breathing, cough, or laugh, (4) Hoarseness, (5) Weight loss and loss of appetite, (6) Shortness of breath, (7) Feeling tired or weak, (8) Infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia that does not go away or keep coming back, and (9) New onset of wheezing.

If lung cancer spread to distant organs, it can cause: (a) bone pain (such as pain in your back or hips), (b) Changes in the nervous system (such as a headache, weakness or numbness of the hands or legs, dizziness, balance problems, or seizures), from the cancer, spread to the brain or spinal cord, (c) Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), from cancer spread to liver, and (d) Lump near the surface of the body, because cancer spreads to the skin or to lymph nodes (collection of cells of the immune system), such as in the neck or above the collarbone.

How do You Know if You Have Lung Cancer?

Most of these symptoms are more likely to be caused by something other than lung cancer. However, if you have this problem, it is important to see your doctor immediately so that the cause can be found and treated, if necessary. Some lung cancer can cause the syndrome, which is a group of symptoms that are very specific.

Horner’s syndrome: Cancer of the upper part of the lung (sometimes called Pancoast tumor) can sometimes affect certain nerve for the eyes and the face, causing a group of symptoms called Horner’s syndrome: (a) Drooping or weakness of one eyelid. (b) A smaller pupil (the dark part at the center of the eye) in the same eye. (c) Reduced or absent sweating in the same side of the face. (d) Pancoast tumors also sometimes cause severe shoulder pain. (e) Superior vena cava syndrome.
The superior vena cava (SVC) is the large vein that carries blood from the head and arms back to the heart. Passing next to the top of the right lung and lymph nodes in the chest. A tumor in this area can be pressed on the SVC, which can cause the blood to get back in the blood vessels. This can cause swelling of the face, neck, arms, and upper chest (sometimes with a bluish skin color red). Symptoms of lung cancer on different stages. It can also cause headaches, dizziness, and changes in consciousness if it affects the brain. While SVC Syndrome may develop gradually over time, in some cases it can be life-threatening and need to be treated.

Paraneoplastic syndrome: Some lung cancer may make hormone substances entering the bloodstream and cause problems with the remote network and the organ, although cancer has not spread to those tissues or organs. These problems are called paraneoplastic syndrome. Sometimes this syndrome may become the first symptoms of lung cancer. Because the symptoms affect the organs other than the lungs, the patient and their doctor may suspect initially that diseases other than lung cancer that causes them.

Some of the more common paraneoplastic syndrome associated with lung cancer are: SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormones): in this condition, cancer cells make hormones (ADH) which cause the kidneys to retain water. This will lower the salt levels in the blood. Symptoms of SIADH may include fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle weakness or cramps, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and confusion. Without treatment, severe cases can lead to seizures and coma.

Cushing’s syndrome: in this condition, the cancer cells can create ACTH, a hormone that causes the adrenal glands to secrete cortisol. This can cause symptoms such as weight loss, easy bruising, weakness, drowsiness, and fluid retention. Cushing’s syndrome can also cause high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels (or even diabetes).

Problems of the nervous system: lung cancer can sometimes cause the immune system to attack part of the nervous system, which can cause problems. One example is the muscle disorder called Lambert-Eaton syndrome, in which the muscles around the hip to be weak. One of the first signs of possible trouble getting up from a sitting position. Later, the muscles around the shoulder can become weak. The issue rarely is paraneoplastic cerebral degeneration, which can cause loss of balance and loosening of the movement in the arms and legs, and difficulty speaking or swallowing.

High blood levels of calcium (hypercalcemia): this can cause frequent urination, thirst, constipation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, confusion, and other nervous system problems. Overgrowth of certain bone or thickening: this often at the fingertips, and can be painful. excess breast growth of blood and clots in men (gynecomastia). Once again, a lot!

9 Signs of Early Lung Cancer

Lung cancer may not produce noticeable symptoms in the early stages. Around 40 percent of people diagnosed with lung cancer, the diagnosis is made after the disease has advanced. In one-third of those diagnosed, cancer has reached stage3. Read on to learn more about lung cancer symptoms, what to look and listen, and how early screening can help people who are at high risk for this disease.

A cough that will not stop: Alert for a new cough that lingers. A cough associated with respiratory infection or cold will go away in a week or two, but the fingers of a persistent cough could be a symptom of lung cancer. Symptoms of lung cancer on different stages. Don’t be tempted to ignore a stubborn cough, whether it is dry or produce mucus. See your doctor immediately. They will listen to your lungs and can order an x-ray or other tests.

Change in a cough: Pay attention to any changes in a chronic cough, especially if you are a smoker. If you a cough more frequently, You cough more deeply or have hoarseness, or coughing up blood or mucous You more than usual, it’s time to make an appointment with a doctor. If family members or friends undergo these changes, suggest that they visit their doctor.

Respiratory changes: Shortness of breath or being easily tale can also be a symptom of lung cancer. Changes in breathing can occur if the blocks of lung cancer or a narrowed airway, or if the fluid from the lung tumor is piled up in the chest. Make a point of noting when you feel a tile or shortness of breath. If you find it difficult to breath after climbing stairs or doing tasks that you can do before without difficulty breathing, don’t ignore it.

Pain in chest area: Lung cancer can produce pain in the chest, shoulders, or back. Pain may not be associated with a cough. Tell your doctor if you notice this type of chest pain, is it sharp, dull, constant, or come and go. You should also note whether it is limited to a particular region or happening all over your chest. When lung cancer is causing the chest pain, discomfort may result from enlarged lymph nodes or metastasis to the wall of the chest, the lining around the lungs is called pleural, or ribs.

Wheezing: When the airways become restricted, blocked, or inflamed, the lungs produce wheezing or whistling sound when you breathe. Wheezing can be attributed to several causes, some of which are benign and easily treated.

However, the wheezing is also a symptom of lung cancer, which is why the benefits of your doctor’s attention. Do not assume wheezing caused by asthma or allergies.Have a doctor confirmed the cause?

Hoarseness: If you hear a significant change in your voice, or if someone else shows that your voice sounds deeper, hoarse, or raspier, checked by your doctor. Hoarseness can be caused by a simple cold, but these symptoms may indicate something more serious when it lasted for more than two weeks. Hoarseness is associated with lung cancer can occur when the tumor affects the nerves that control the larynx, or voice box.

Weight loss: A weight loss that cannot be explained by 10 pounds or more may be associated with lung cancer or other types of cancer. When cancer is present, this can result in a heavy decline of cancer cells using energy. This can also occur due to a shift in the way the body uses energy from food. Don’t write off Your weight changes if you haven’t tried to shed pounds. It may be a clue to changes in your health.

Bone pain: Lung cancer that has spread to the bone can result in pain in the back or in other areas of the body. This pain can worsen at night while resting on the back. It may be difficult to distinguish between the bone and muscle pain. bone pain is often worse at night and increases with movement. In addition, the lung cancer is sometimes linked to the shoulder, arm, or neck pain, although this is less common. A concern for aches and pains, and discuss it with your doctor.

A headache: A headache may be a sign of lung cancer that has spread to the brain. However, not all headaches are associated with brain metastases. Sometimes, Lung Tumors can create pressure on the vena cava superior. This is a large vein that moves blood from the upper body to the heart. Pressure can also trigger headaches.

Easy screening can help: Chest x-rays are not effective in detecting lung cancer early stage. However, the low-dose CT scans have been shown to reduce the mortality rate of lung cancer by 20 percent, according to a study. In the study, 53,454 people who are at high risk for lung cancer randomly either low-dose CT scan or x-ray. Low-dose CT scan detected more examples of lung cancer. There are also significantly fewer deaths from the disease on CT low dose group.

People who are at high risk: This study encourages the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force to issue a draft recommendation that people who are at high risk of developing cancer of the lungs receive low-dose CT screening. This recommendation applies to people who: has a 30 pack-years of smoking history or current smoking and more, is the age of 55-80, and have been smoking in the last 15 years. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with lung disease or meets one of the criteria that apply to people who are at high risk, talk to your doctor about whether low-dose CT screening is appropriate for you.

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