Stages of Cervical Cancer Symptoms


Stages of cervical cancer symptoms, discuss stage 4 cervical cancer (late stage), early symptoms, advanced stages and others – In most cases, cervical cancer does not cause noticeable symptoms in the early stages of the disease. Routine Pap screening is important to check for abnormal cells on the cervix so they can be monitored and treated as early as possible. Most women are advised to get a Pap Test beginning at age 21.

A Pap test is one of the most reliable and effective cancer screening methods available, and women should have annual examinations by an OB-GYN. However, the Pap test can detect several cases of abnormal cells on the cervix. HPV test screen women for high-risk HPV strains that can cause cervical cancer. It is approved for women over age 30.

Although the screening method is not 100 percent accurate, the test is often an effective method to detect cervical cancer at an early stage when it is still treatable. Talk to your doctor about the type of cervical cancer screening is right for you. Cervical cancer symptoms: When present, the common symptom of cervical cancer may include: (Vaginal bleeding: these include bleeding between menstrual periods, after sexual intercourse or post-menopause bleeding. Unusual vaginal discharge: watery, pink or foul-smelling discharge. Pelvic pain: Pain during intercourse or at other times may be a sign of abnormal changes on the cervix or less serious condition. All of this cervical cancer symptoms should be discussed with your doctor). See also: Symptoms of Cervical Cancer After Menopause and Hysterectomy

Advanced Stages of Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Cervical cancer may spread (metastasize) in the pelvis, to the lymph nodes or elsewhere in the body. Signs of cervical cancer stages include: (1) Lose weight, (2) Fatigue, (3) Back pain, (4) Leg pain or swelling, (5) Leakage of urine or stool from the vagina, (6) Broken bones.
Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer, Women with early cervical cancer and cancer usually has no symptoms. Symptoms often did not begin until it becomes invasive cancer and grew into a network of nearby. When this happens, the most common symptoms are:

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as bleeding after sex, vaginal bleeding after menopause, bleeding and spotting between periods, and have (menstrual) period is longer or heavier than usual. Bleeding after douching or after a pelvic exam can also occur. 
  • Unusual discharge from your vagina discharge may contain blood and can occur between periods or after menopause. Pain when having sex. 
  • Signs and symptoms can also be caused by conditions other than cervical cancer. For example, the infection can cause pain or bleeding. However, if you have any of these symptoms, see your health care professional immediately. Ignoring symptoms that can allow the cancer to grow to a more advanced stage and lower your chances for effective treatment. 

Even better, do not wait for symptoms to appear. Have a routine screening test for cervical cancer. (See also: Inflammatory Breast Cancer Stages). Cervical cancer is the second most common malignant neoplasms in women around the world, and remains the leading cause of cancer-related deaths of women in developing countries. In the United States, the fourth most common malignant neoplasms in women, after breast cancer, colon and rectum, and endometriosis. The prevalence of invasive cervical cancer has declined steadily in the United States over the past few decades. However, it is increasing in many developing countries. The changes in epidemiological trends in the United States were associated with a thorough screening with the Papaniculao test (cervical smear).

Initial epidemiological data show a direct causal link between cervical cancer and sexual activity. Key risk factors observed included sex at an early age, multiple sexual partners, unmarried male partners and a history of sexually transmitted diseases. However, the search for carcinogenic materials that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse did not succeed until the last decade, when a development in molecular biology allowed scientists to detect viral genomics in cervical cells.
Strong evidence now refers to human papilloma virus (HPVS) as the main suspect. PV viral DNA has been detected in more than 80% of invasive pests (SIL) and gaseous cervical cancers compared to consistently low percentages in controls. Both animal data and molecular biological evidence confirm the possibility of a malicious transformation of the lesions caused by papuleor. SIL was found primarily in younger women, while invasive cancer is often detected in women aged 15 years, suggesting a slow progression of cancer.
The human papilloma virus infection occurs in a high percentage of sexually active women. Most of these infections are obviously spontaneous in the months and years, and only a small percentage develops cancer. This means that there are other important factors that must be involved in the process of Securitiarton.
Three main factors have been assumed to influence the development of low-level SIL in high-quality sils. These include the types and duration of viral infections, with high-risk HPV virus types and persistent infections that predict a higher risk for development; host circumstances prejudicial to immunity, such as the status of pluralism or malnutrition; environmental factors such as smoking or contraceptive use Oral or vitamin deficiency. In addition, there are many factors related to gynaecology, including gland age, first sexual intercourse and number of sexual partners, which significantly increase the risk of cervical cancer.

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