How to Check For Testicular Cancer?


How to check for testicular cancer? Do I have testicular cancer? Men who notice lumps, swelling or pain in their legs or scrotum can worry that they have testicular cancer. Here we describe the symptoms of testicular cancer and other problems that can cause symptoms in this part of the body. We also include information about how you can perform the testicular examination for men who want to do it.

It is not designed as a complete guide to the symptoms of testicular, nor is it intended to provide medical advice or to replace the expertise and judgment of medical service providers. If you notice any changes to your testicles, you should see the supplier so that the cause can be found and treated if necessary.

Testicular cancer is a relatively rare cancer, although it is the most common type of cancer in young men aged between 15 and 44 years, said Matthew Campbell, MD, assistant professor in the Department of Genitourinary-Urinary medical Oncology At the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Although it is not known what causes testicular cancer, risk factors, including undescended testicles, abnormal testicular development, family history of diseases, and age (men 15 to 35 are the highest risk), according to the Mayo Clinic. While testicular cancer may be an uncomfortable subject for people to speak, it is important to be aware of this. Early detection may prevent the spread of cancer in other areas of the body and may increase the survival rate of a man. If the cancer is located in the testicles, the survival rate for men is approximately 99%. After the spread of cancer, the survival rate decreased to about 73%.

When caught earlier, the cancer survival test rates are very good, especially compared to many other types of cancer 95 percent of all presentation even when widespread. This is why it is so important that testicular cancer is captured and diagnosed from the outset.

How to Check For Testicular Cancer?

So how do you make your own checks? To perform self-examination, grasp the upper part of the left testicle between the thumb and forefinger and gently rotate to feel the collision. Then do the same on the right side. (helps you do it in the bathroom because humidity and warmth relax your scrotum.)

If you feel a hard lump or change in the texture or size of the scrotum, contact your doctor and be sure to check them out if only to give you peace of mind. Give a sign of raising the National month of Testicular Cancer in April by conducting your own investigation, and make it a habit every month.

Most types of testicular cancer are found by the man himself. There is no standard routine for testicular cancer screening because screening programs have not shown a decrease in mortality (mortality) from this condition. However, some men choose to carry their testicles once a month (called TSE or testicular self-examination) to facilitate the detection of early prenatal testicular cancer. The TSE involves a delicate examination of the testicles, one by one, holding each testicle between the thumb (above) and the middle finger and the index finger below. Search for small heavy agglomerations in your testicles or change the taste of your testicles. So if you’re still confused, you can read the following article: Testicular Cancer Self Exam.

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