Testicular Cancer Staging And Symptoms


Testicular cancer staging, symptoms, and treatment – Symptoms of testicular cancer may not be evident until cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Testis self-examination, using hot water, can help detect cancer early, and more likely to work.

1. Early onset. There may be unilateral pain or both sides may be accompanied by symptoms of swelling or non-swelling. When you touch the testicles, there is a sense of tumor formation, hard scrotum. In other cases, at an early stage, almost no aberration, which is difficult to detect until the disease has progressed to a severe stage. Testicular cancer staging – Therefore, regular routine examination of the faculty of men regularly has an important role in monitoring the risk of cancer.

2. Expression of testicular cancer in the medium and late stages. If signs in the early stages of the disease are still vague, easily confused with other diseases, stages 2, 3 and end symptoms are more evident and often a patient goes to the clinic at this stage. In addition to pain, swelling, and anomalies at the level of “boy”, patients may have abnormal abdominal pain, convulsions in the scrotum, testicles in the larger and higher.

3. The cyst develops in Epididymis. It’s a small organ attached to the testicle made from the semen of the testicles. Increasing the size of the blood vessels of the testicles is called varicocele.

4. Accumulation of fluid in the membrane around the testicles. Tumor formation is not painful or swollen in the testicles. If detected earlier, the testicular tumors may look like walnuts, but they can grow much larger. Any lumps, swelling, hardness, or testicular pain can be a sign of testicular cancer. Therefore, you should see a doctor sooner if symptoms occur.

5. Dull pain in the lower abdomen or lower area. The pain or discomfort may be swollen, in the testicles or in the scrotum. Pain can be caused by a variety of conditions, including infections, trauma, twists, and cancer. Testicular infection is called testicular inflammation. Echinococcus is called Epididymitis. If an infection is suspected, the patient may use antibiotics. Changes in how the testicles feel or feel heavy in the scrotum. For example, testicles can become stronger than other testicles. Testicular cancer staging – Alternatively, testicular cancer can make the testicles bigger or smaller.

6. Pain in the chest pain. The lower back, difficulty breathing, chest pain and sputum with blood or phlegm may be stage symptoms after testicular cancer, but many other conditions can also cause these symptoms. Swelling of one or both legs or difficulty breathing may be a symptom of testicular cancer. A large blood clot in a blood vessel is called deep vein thrombosis. A blood clot in the pulmonary artery is called an embolism and cause lung breathing difficulties. For young or middle-aged men, the formation of clots may be the first sign of testicular cancer. Testicular cancer staging – Some of the symptoms of testicular cancer help you find the disease early and have a better treatment.

Testicular Cancer Staging and Treatment

The survival rate of patients with testicular cancer is very high. The very effective treatment of testicular cancer primarily affects male youth between 20 and 39 years old. The number of new incidents that occur each year increases. However, more than 95% of patients today can recover. Modern therapies for the treatment of testicular cancer provide a high success rate. But doctors worry about the long-term complications that they can cause the patient.

The fact that young patients with childhood cancer are required to cure these treatments, wherever possible, with the harmful negative effects and therefore does not affect the survival quality of the survivors. One of the basic issues of the doctor is to provide treatments that have the shortest and long-term side effects and complications as little as possible. Their goal is to heal their patients, but, as much as possible, do not harm or affect the quality of their life.

Recently, a Norwegian doctor from the University of Oslo has actually examined the long-term issues of the men recovering from testicular cancer. Testicular cancer staging – In their extensive review, they find that the men who survived have more problems than the doctors often believe. Doctors often focus on life-threatening events of patients or those needing immediate medical intervention. However, it is important to raise everyone’s awareness of the long-term issues that the patient lives to face.

The Norwegian doctor has analyzed 40 surveys that have occurred between 1990 and 2008 on this issue. They found out that up to 25% of patients survived with neurological, sound and long-lasting problems. They are also at risk for second cancer. But the interesting discovery is that there are up to 80% of men survived by the treatment of testicular cancer, who attempted to do father after treatment, was successful in becoming a father.

Men can suffer from enormous pressure and psychological distress due to the elimination of one of their test sperm from cancer. However, gradually, when the treatment process progresses, this nasty mental state decreases. Digestive problems are very common throughout chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In addition, chemotherapy can cause other harmful side effects such as infection and thrombosis.

Testicular cancer staging – The old issues that are recorded include the secondary tumor (cancer due to previous care, chemotherapy or radiotherapy), heart disease and disorder related to the extent of hormone deficiencies. The Norwegian doctor believes that the best way to improve the short-term and long-term survivors of testicular cancer is to avoid smoking, maintaining normal weight, regular exercise and frequent monitoring of patients may be poisoned Threat to life.

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