Coughing Up Blood and Mucus


Coughing up blood and mucus – coughing up blood in mucus – A frequent and widespread symptom of respiratory disease is the cough occurs when the receptor ends of the mucous and shells are irritated. Hemoptysis (that is, coughing blood) is a dangerous condition that can point to. Sputum is a mucus substance that stands out during a cough. Sputum contains the secret of bronchial breast, dust, microbes, sometimes particles.

Blood in sputum If there are streaks of reddish-rusty color in the sputum, it means that blood has got into it. Sometimes the cause of this is the rupture of a small blood vessel in the lungs, in this case this phenomenon does not pose a particular threat to health. But it is possible that the blood in the sputum signals about infectious processes in the lungs (such as pneumonia, lung tumor, tuberculosis). If the state of health is normal, and coughing up sputum with rare blood veins is unsystematic, there is no reason to suspect serious diseases. If the blood in the sputum appears regularly for some time – you need to contact the clinic. If the patient has a history, such as chronic bronchitis, then there’s no need to link the symptom of blood in the sputum with the disease. The cause of the blood in sputum may be a very different disease, not yet diagnosed.

Coughing Up Blood and Mucus

Sometimes blood lines appear in saliva. This phenomenon may be a symptom of serious diseases such as pneumonia, acute bronchitis, lung cancer. Causes of coughing blood to determine the causes of this phenomenon, first we must ensure that the blood is not flowing from the stomach or intestines, i.e. from the respiratory tract. Differentiate vomiting coughing bloody blood isn’t always easy. However, there are some differences between them:

  • Before the coughing of blood can be felt tingling in my throat; Blood red frothy stand. Vomiting of blood preceded the nausea and discomfort in the abdominal area; blood red paint to resemble a thick consistency.

After determining where it enters the blood, you can begin to identify the cause of hemoptysis.

Pathological condition where symptoms observed blood in the sputum

  • The process of inflammation in the lung (bronchitis, pneumonia, Lung abscess, bronkiektasis, tuberculosis).
  • Tumor (adenocarcinoma, lung cancer).
  • Other respiratory diseases: cystic fibrosis, failed the left ventricle, mitral valve stenosis, pulmonary tromboemboli blood vessels, lungs, traumatic pathology diatesis bleeding veins and arteries, Amyloidosis.

See also: Reasons for Coughing Up Blood

The most frequent reason for the appearance of blood in the phlegm and bronchitis bronkiektasis.

Pathological condition where there is blood in the saliva of dehydration.

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Bronchitis
  • Lung cancer
  • Tuberculosis, and
  • Pneumonia.

Diagnosing the Causes of Coughing Blood

If cough sputum with blood, expectoration it is necessary to consult a physician for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment. The following diagnostic methods are used to determine the cause of hemoptysis:
  • Chest radiography. If the image can be seen a dark area, it shows the presence of inflammation; pulmonary emboli; lung cancer. If the image can be seen that the shape of the shadow heart changed., it talks about heart disorders.
  • Bronchoscopy for the diagnosis of bronkiektasis, lung cancer. This method consists in determining the change in lumen bronchial (for tumors, abnormal enlargement of the bronchial lumen narrows and the image feels).
  • The method of x-ray computed tomography makes it possible to examine and evaluate the State of light and detect the presence of process disseminated in the lungs. lung disease with dissimination (with a broad spread of pathogens)-it is very difficult to diagnose correctly; This may make mistakes. That’s why the patient’s examination should be done with the help of several complementary methods to ensure the correct diagnosis. 
  • Sputum Analysis allows to detect inflammation in the bronchial and other pathologies where the blood appeared in phlegm. If the doctor finds in sputum Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Koch’s bacillus), it is an objective indicator of tuberculosis. If the sputum analysis showed high levels of bacteria, is no reason to assume the pneumonia, Lung abscess or bronkiektasis. 
  • Sweat Analysis applies to detect cystic fibrosis. This is a genetic disease is the main cause of the descendants of various pathologies in the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract. Cystic fibrosis cause pathological changes in the anatomy of the lungs, chronic bronchitis, bronkiektasis formation (extension of the walls bronchus). 
  • General blood test helps detect the presence of an inflammatory process. The rise compared with a normal level of leukocytes indicator and LEDS (blood creep rate) is confirmation of the purpose of the presence of inflammation. 
  • To evaluate Coagulation blood clotting disorders. If it breaks, then there is a coagulation blood clots can form cloth blood clot that interferes with the normal flow of blood. Thrombosis, stroke, heart attack all of which can occur due to violation of the freeze. To perform the coagulation is required to make the samples of blood from the blood vessels. 
  • One of the causes of coughing blood can heart system. You can check this by using an electrocardiogram. 
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy, this examination of gastric endoscopy, esophagus and duodenum. If a patient, for example, the blood vessels of the esophagus widens the pathological, blood clots can rise to the top, and expectorant for coughs.

See also: Coughing Up Blood in The Morning Only

Treat Coughing up Blood, Depending on the Cause
If diagnosed with lung cancer, the treatment prescribed for chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. This treatment allows more or less successfully addressing the root causes of this disease. If the results of the symptoms of a cough managed to disappear from the blood. If the blood is the cause of the cough of TB, treatment of TB was raised, which includes not only drugs of anti-TB, but also therapy Imunnomodulyatory at the same time. Imunnomodulyatory, substances that can affect the immune system and regulates the process of humoral. If the blood in the sputum, the symptoms of bronchitis is diagnosed in the acute or chronic forms, antibiotics are prescribed. If diagnosed with a lung abscess, or bronchiectasis, need to do surgical treatment.

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