Symptoms of Brain Cancer in Adults


Symptoms of brain cancer in adults – symptoms for brain cancer – A brain tumor is very different from other types of tumors, and approximately 2% of all cases of cancers. Because of the inconvenience of the location, symptoms difficult effective diagnosis and removal, which makes it difficult to treat them. The basis for referral to the oncologist and for diagnosis serve the emerging and growing neurological signs. At the present stage, there are effective ways not only to identify brain cancer and its symptoms in the early stages, and also to get rid of it.

Development and Classification of The Disease
Tumors form in the middle of the skull or in the spinal canal, and their formation triggers uncontrollable cell division. The tumor grows rapidly and spreads to the near and far located tissues. The tumor has a benign nature, has not metastasized to other organs and is only in the brain tissues. Due to the fact that the skull has limited space, the disease eventually becomes cancerous.

The disease has a division by two criteria on the main features:

  1. The lesion Matures from the tissues and membranes of the brain;
  2. A secondary tumor develops in the presence of metastases, which occur in neighboring organs.

Symptoms of brain cancer are divided on the basis of the composition of cells, there are approximately 100 types of disease, summarized in 12 categories.

Select common:

  • Neuroepithelial – diagnosed in 65% of patients with similar diseases, are formed from tissues in the brain cells;
  • Shell – and- they provoke an abnormal division of the meninges;
  • Gipofize – produced during cell division of the hypophysis;
  • The centers located not in the brain tissue can be formed from metastases, which are present in other organs;
  • Disembriogenesis – produced as a result of improper cell division during embryogenesis.

See also: Brain Cancer Symptoms in Males

Symptoms of brain cancer differentiate with healthy cells. If the similarity of the tumors with the initial sample is high, the easier it is to carry out the diagnosis. If the cells are not identical to the structure of the healthy tissue, the disease is aggressive and fast. If the tumors revealed several levels of differentiation, cancer can be detected in infected cells.

Stage of Development of The DiseaseHave cancer there are several stages of development. Symptoms of brain cancer in the early stages is characterized by the fact that the disease did not go beyond the borders of the tumor. The next stages of its development, the tumor grows and the cancer cells spread to other organs. The primary tumor. The disease develops in the brain tissue or in the surrounding areas when part of the DNA of the cells has the mutation. Such variations are the impetus to the growth of cells that leads to cancer cells forming a tumor.

The metastatic tumor occurs as a result of the malignant process starting with the formation in any of the organs of the body and eventually grow into the brain. This type is more common compared to primary type. Brain cancer, the first signs of which are diagnosed, it may be a consequence of cancers located in various organs. Up to the present time has not yet fully mastered the device and the model of the functioning of the human brain. Previously to the reasons leading to the development of the disease, attributed to mechanical head injury, the fascination with Smoking, various viral diseases. However, the relationship of these factors to the occurrence of brain cancer found no evidence.

Symptoms of brain cancer have the following prerequisites:

  • Heredity is an important are oncogenes or growth factors;
  • Work related to the use or application of chemical or carcinogenic substances;
  • Radiation – ionizing radiation acting on the body and leads to the formation of brain cancer;
  • The patient – the risk of tumors increases with age, it is most common after the age of 45;
  • The history of similar illness in family members.

Symptoms of Brain Cancer: Signs of The Disease

Symptoms of brain cancer in the early stages difficult to diagnose, they are totally dependent on the location of the tumor focus. If he touched the area of speech, this will lead to the development of dysgraphia or dyslalia. With the defeat of the vestibular apparatus, the patient feels severe tinnitus or severe vertigo. 
Brain cancer has cerebral symptoms, which is caused by hypertension inside the skull and disruptions in hemodynamics. A prerequisite to the focal form of the symptoms is compression of brain tissue in the tumor site. 
Cerebral symptoms are characterized by such manifestations:
  • pulsating pain in the head, have a pronounced intensity and low topiramate medicines;
  • frequent gagging is a sign of changes in intracranial pressure, and increased the activity of the vomiting center;
  • dizziness is provoked by compression of the structures of the cerebellum, the further spread of the tumor, which leads to a poor blood supply to the brain cells.
The first signs of brain cancer are focal symptoms:
  • Failures in sensitivity – impaired ability to perceive the stimuli, the patient loses the ability to spatial positioning of the parts of the body;
  • Speech and auditory disorders – as a result of the disease affects the auditory nerve, the patient ceases to hear and speak;
  • Malfunctions of the organs of vision when the tumor affected the optic nerve, happens vision loss;
  • Speech disorders – a possible selective loss of verbal contact that occurs as a consequence of lesions of the cerebral cortex;
  • Disorders in the autonomic system appear fatigue, weakness, change in heart rate or blood pressure. Symptoms of brain cancer are associated with loss of control over the vagus nerve;
  • Various movement disorders – occurs lose ways responsible for motor impulses, decreases the vitality of the muscles, this can lead to a total immobilization of a person or to the immobility of certain parts of the body;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Epileptic seizures – occur with the development of excitation in the cerebral cortex;
  • Hallucinations – the patient can see certain objects, sounds, light.
From the foregoing, it can be concluded that the first signs and symptoms of brain cancer are quite vague and to connect their presence with a cancerous tumor is difficult.

Diagnosis of the Disease
The tumor is located in the middle of the skull, therefore, timely to make a diagnosis impossible. There are cases that the tumor was of large size has mild symptoms and very little – is accompanied by bright and strong symptoms. In the period when the symptoms of brain cancer in the early stages is not expressed, a man does not think to go to the doctor and wants to consult with a sharp deterioration of health.

For the diagnosis of the disease is a neurological examination of the patient, computerized tomography, MRI, angiography and other radioisotope techniques and surgery: stereotactic biopsy and ventriculus copy.  The lumbar feature allows you to conduct a qualitative diagnosis of cancer. Prediction of diagnosis and methods of treatment of brain cancer is in direct proportion to the type and proliferation of the tumor, but in identifying the disease at an early stage it can be cured.

Headaches are not concerned about cancer patients with brain tumors is very rare. The mechanism of pain starts with irritation of receptors of the meninges, the stretching of the walls of the ventricles and/or compression of the large vessels.

The pain seems deep, arching the head. It often begins with attacks, turning into a constant with increasing intensity. Characterized by its gain at night or in the morning, at a voltage of abdominal press (coughing, laughing, defecation, etc.), slopes and turns of the head. In addition, to diffuse, brain tumors cause a local headache. It is piercing and throbbing in nature.

Often the symptoms of brain tumors include vomiting. It usually occurs in the height of pain attack and is caused by irritation of the vomiting center in the stretching of the 4th ventricle due to intracranial hypertension. Dizziness occurs as a result of increase in pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid in the labyrinth. Brain tumor of any localization can provoke an epileptic seizure, cause disturbance of consciousness, emotional disorders and mental disorders.

Symptoms of Brain Cancer

To recognize a brain tumor for focal symptoms – then tie a malignant process with a specific localization in the brain. The clinic will look like a loss function for which you are responsible the affected departments.

Tumors of the frontal lobe. Early symptoms are a localized headache, seizures, mental disorders (unmotivated actions, inappropriate humor, euphoria, lack of exercise). In addition, the characteristic paresis of facial muscles, atrophy of optic nerve, a disorder of sense of smell. In advanced cases, see hemiparesis, lost it.

Tumors pre – and postcentral gyrus appear Intrusive seizures, chewing, swallowing, licking, paresis of the facial, hypoglossal nerves, disorders of sensibility and motility on game type.

Tumors of the temporal lobe. Early symptoms are olfactory and gustatory disorders, visual, auditory hallucinations. Possible seizures, injury of branches of the trigeminal nerve. Characterized by early onset of cerebral symptoms.

Tumors of the parietal lobe. Early symptoms are disorders of deep sensitivity and unsteadiness of gait. When the tumor on the left noted disorders of reading, writing, numeracy, speech. Possible motor impairment at a superficial localization of the tumor.

Tumors of the occipital lobe are rarely seen. The main symptom is visual disturbances (visual hallucinations, a disorder of color perception, etc.). Early cerebral symptoms appear.

Tumors of the pituitary gland. Typical visual disturbances and endocrine syndromes hormonally active tumors (acromegaly, amenorrhea, diabetes insipidus, etc.).

Tumor of the Cerebellum
An Early symptom of the disease — headache, which is accompanied by vomiting. Tumors of the cerebellum accompanied by a triad of ataxia, nystagmus, muscle hypotonia. During germination of cerebellar tumors in the cerebellopontine angle or when the primary lesion observed hearing loss.

Tumors of the fourth ventricle. Common early intracranial hypertension, paroxysmal headaches, vomiting, respiratory disorders, and heart. See cerebellar disorders in gait disturbance. The forced position of the head. There may be bouts of hiccups, impaired function of cranial nerves.

What is a brain tumor (dislocation)symptoms – Sometimes see the paroxysmal deterioration of cancer patients the displacement of a brain tumor in the occipital hole or under wastage spurs of the Dura mater. This condition requires urgent surgical treatment or ends in death.

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