Ultrasound For Breast Cancer Screening


Ultrasound for breast cancer screening – What is breast cancer screening? Breast cancer screening is a regular that survey (usually 1 times in 2-3 years) for women 50-70 years. In the case of suspicious changes in the breast, a biopsy or removal of the iron is performed after the investigation.

What is mammography? Mammography is a kind of X-ray research that takes an X-ray of the breast in two footprints on a special apparatus-mammography. Mammography reveals very small tumors of the breast-up to 0.5 cm. and even less. Suspected tumors usually look like blackouts.
Which women do not have breast cancer screening? If a woman has no hereditary predisposition to breast cancer (several blood relatives with the early development of breast and ovarian cancer), it is not feasible to carry out screening under the age of 50. Ultrasound for breast cancer screening – This is due to the fact that tumors at this age are rare and that the breast gland has a structure that which the diagnosis of cancer. Very elderly women (over 70 years of age) are also not screened because, at this age, the so-called “clinically insignificant” tumors are often identified, i.e. tumors that do not harm the woman’s life.

Ultrasound For Breast Cancer Screening

What methods can be used to detect breast cancer? Most women approach a doctor about breast cancer after having independently nashhupajut a tumor in iron. At one time, it was assumed that, if women were to be taught on a regular basis, breast screening would help to detect breast cancer. However, it was subsequently found that these activities did not produce the desired result of reducing mortality from breast cancer. A more accurate method is the examination of the breast by a doctor using palpation (feelings), but it also does not allow the detection of the tumor in the early stages and the prevention of death from cancer.

Related: Breast Ultrasound Cancer vs Benign

There were attempts to use the ultrasound (ultrasound) for early detection of cancer, but this method was not as reliable as mammography. Of the new methods of detection of breast cancer in the early stages, magnetic resonance tomography (MRI) is considered to be promising, but due to the high cost and low availability of equipment, this method is not yet available. Thus, mammography is now the main screening method for early detection of breast cancer.
What are the benefits of breast cancer screening? Many studies use mammography screening to reduce the mortality rate of breast cancer by 20-30%. Since not all studies have found such results, a number of specialists consider that the benefits of screening for breast cancer may be significantly lower. Despite the continuing debate among scientists, most of them believe that screening for breast cancer is more useful than harmful.
Are there any drawbacks to screening breast cancer? As with any screening, the drawbacks of screening for breast cancer are the identification of “irrelevant” cancers which, in the absence of screening, would never have been detected (and thus treated). In addition, a false positive result of mammography may result in “unnecessary” additional surveys.

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Ultrasound for breast cancer screening – What do you need to know about breast cancer screening? If you do not have a hereditary predisposition to breast cancer, and you are interested in preventive testing, it is recommended that you go mammogram once every two years, starting from the age of 50 to 65-70 years. If you have more than one blood relative, breast or ovarian cancer at a young age, you may need a more thorough examination. You can also go Onkogeneticheskoe consulting at our center.

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