Rare Types Of Skin Cancer


Rare types of skin cancer – Most experts now consider skin cancer as an epidemic in the United States, with more than 1.3 million. New cases diagnosed each year and growing. The three most common types, namely basal cellular, squamous and melanoma, continued to explain that most skin cancer diagnoses, but that there are several types of skin cancers seldom often receive the attention they deserve. Here are five types of simple cancer that stem from skin or indirectly affect the skin:

1. Cutaneous cell lymphoma – Cutaneous T Cellular lymphoma (CTCL) is a group of cancers that arise from white blood cell types, called cell lymphocytes, which become malignant and infect the skin. There are about 1500 new cases of CTCL per year in the United States. Men are twice as likely to be women, and most people are diagnosed after 50 years of age.

In most types of CTCL (for example, Mushroom mycosis, the most common type), symptoms begin with the appearance of red spots on the skin; In the dark skinned skin with individuals, this may appear to be a glare or very dark. The stains are itchy and can be dry and flaky. Some parts of the skin may be raised and rigid (so-called plaque). Rare types of skin cancer – In addition, tumors can develop. Some of the wrinkles of skin thicken and cracking, causing an infection. There is various chemo preparation, immunotherapy (for example, interferon) and a target drug (e.g. Denileukin Diftitox or RP), which is now available for the treatment of CTCL.

See Also: Squamous Cell Skin Carcinoma Prognosis

2. Carcinoma of Merkel cells – Carcinoma of the Merkel cells (NFCs) is a type of skin cancer, a rare aggressive, which is shaped on or under the skin. Some 1500 cases of the PCO were once again diagnosed in the United States every year. Rare types of skin cancer – Most of the patients diagnosed with a Caucasian human PCO and over 50 years old (median age 69).

The MCC’s defeats seem to be lumpy, safe, and without pain in the skin. The color is red, pink, blue, or purple, and is usually found in places exposed to the sun, such as the head (especially around the eye and forever), the neck, arms, and legs. Treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

3. Kaposi’s – Kaposi’s (UK) is cancer that develops from cells, lining lymph or blood vessels. The COP is called by such Sarcoma’s (KSHV in). The problems of the immune system of the most common, which are helping the COP to become infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS, but also the recipients, is a vulnerable group.

Abnormal cells cop form purple spotted, red, or brown or tumors on the skin. In some cases, the cop causes painful swelling, especially in the legs, groin, or skin around the eye. The COP can lead to serious problems, or even life-threatening, when pockets are in the lungs, the liver, the gastrointestinal tract. Rare types of skin cancer – Treatment has increased significantly in recent decades and now includes highly active antiretroviral therapy (ART), very active for the treatment of AIDS patients with the COP, as well as cream, surgical disposal, cold (freezing of liquid (nitrogen) and chemotherapy.

4. Carcinomas of the sebaceous glands – Carcinomas of the sebaceous glands (SGC) is cancer that is very unusual and aggressive that comes from the oil glands of the skin. About 75% of cases are diagnosed around the eye, with the most common places being on the upper eyelid, although it is also found elsewhere on the head or neck, in the trunk, or in the genital area. Cell carcinoma sebaceous most often found in women aged over 70 years. SGC is often a slow-growing and only spreads to other parts of the body, in 1 in 5 cases.

Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans: Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) is a type of tumor that rarely occurs that begins as a small lump of hard, grows slowly, and rarely spreads to other parts of the body. It is caused by genetic mutations that lead to overproduction of molecules called growth factors of platelets. This tumor is usually found in the dermis (the inner layer of two main layers of tissue that makes up the skin) of the legs or torso.

Treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, and a new drug called imatinib (Gleevec). However, DFSP is often the wrong diagnosis or is treated that is not completed, so be sure to find a dermatologist or other specialist who has experience in managing a DFSP. Catch them early: Examination of the skin regularly is the best way to detect skin cancers rare in the early stages and more treatable. Rare types of skin cancer – If you see a skin lesion is new, change or uncommon, contact your doctor immediately.

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