Signs of Uterine Cancer


Signs of uterine cancer – When you doubt something about your health, your best bet is to see a doctor. They are experts in diagnosing health problems and usually, you will come out with at least one idea about what you are doing. But surely there is something to be said to learn to recognize the basic warning signs. For starters, self-diagnosis helps you bring a truck to the doctor’s office every week. For a few seconds, knowing how to read health signs can really save your life in a day.

This is very true for different forms of cancer. The different types of cancers can manifest in different ways and it is often difficult even for a physician to make a precise diagnosis at first glance. Signs of uterine cancer – This cancer can also spread rapidly, if left untreated, so follow the signs and act quickly is of paramount importance. Here we go. Although the information contained in this post cannot be construed as the advice of a physician, you can certainly be better acquainted with the signs of certain cancers and you can take appropriate action. Read on, if you value your health!

Signs of Uterine Cancer

1. Shortness of breath or wheezing – If you have difficulty breathing or if you find yourself breathing No breath or panting, go and check this could be a sign of lung cancer. Signs of uterine cancer – A chronic cough or chest pain – A cough that simply refuses to go, despite influenza and influenza, but its distant memories suggest the possibility of different types of cancer, including leukemia and lung cancer. The chest pain that begins to spread in the shoulders and arms may also indicate the likelihood of lung cancer.

2. The face is swollen – Patients diagnosed with lung cancer usually exhibit a swollen face because pulmonary tumors block blood flow in the face. If you have a swollen face that refuses to leave, go and check. Back Pain – The back pains are usually caused by swelling of the spine or the local problems of the muscles, so people rarely consider cancer when the back pains persist. But many patients who suffer from liver cancer reports suffer from back pain, just like those suffering from breast cancer –generally because cancerous tumors push the spine and chest.

3. Nails that change the color – Less than perfect nails seem to be nothing to worry about, but some types of discoloration and imperfections of nails can be the basis of something even more severe. Nails that lose pink and start to become white can indicate liver cancer, while a brown or black dot on the nails can give the impression of skin cancer.

4. Period of pain or Sporie – Women suffering from painful or irregular periods may want to obtain a transvaginal ultrasound because this is sometimes a symptom of uterine cancer. Regular infections and fever – Leukemia destroy the body’s cells to combat infections, making a person more susceptible to infections such as a sore throat and bronchitis. Frequent low fevers and even headaches may also involve leukemia.

5. Debilitating and inability to stop bleeding – Patients suffering from leukemia often show frequent bleeding of the gums and nose and often see blood in the stool and urine. People with leukemia are also much easier to humiliate, even from the slightest beating. Swollen lymph nodes – Swelling of the lymph nodes in the axillary, throat and innocence can indicate leukemia, which causes the lymph nodes to increase.

6. Stomach pain – Frequent pain and chronic abdominal pain may indicate colorectal cancer.Lower Belly Fat – Rapid weight gain in the lower abdominal area and swollen appearance can be a sign of ovarian cancer. Swelling of the breasts or pain – If your breasts are red, wet or inflamed, consult your doctor. One of these may indicate breast cancer.

7. Variations in the size and shape of the nipple – If anything strange happens at the nipple, it could indicate breast cancer. The common symptoms include nipples, headache down, red nipples or scalpylae and nipple secretion other than breast milk. Difficulty swallowing – Throat cancer, otherwise known as pharyngeal or laryngeal cancer, is often associated with an inability to swallow. Swallowing difficulties may also indicate lung cancer. Pelvic Pain – Pelvic cramps and swelling may indicate leukemia and ovarian cancer due to an enlarged spleen.

8. Fatigue – While fatigue can indicate a variety of health problems, it is also a common symptom of the various forms of cancer. Bloody Stools – It’s fair to say that you know that something bad is going on when you see blood in the crap but that could be worse than you think. Those who suffer from colorectal cancer often declare bloody stools, so if you are, be accustomed to being examined as soon as possible.

9. Jaundice – Yellowing of the skin and eyes, also known as jaundice, may indicate liver cancer. Clumsiness – If you start to find yourself constantly falling, passing by, seeing unbalanced or losing control of your arms and legs, this can be a sign that brain tumors are developing. Other common signs are problems with speech, swallowing or controlling facial expressions. Numbness – If you start to lose feeling in parts of your body, including before you, consider consulting a physician. This may indicate the development of brain tumors, which cannot be ignored.

Signs of Uterine Cancer

Signs of uterine cancer – About 15% of the cases of cancer in women are uterine cancer. Approximately 80,000 women have been diagnosed in 2005 with cancer (pelvic gynecological malignant tumors) and many of these cases are cancer of the uterus. Uterine cancer approximately 95% is endometrial. Uterine cancer occurs mainly in postmenopausal women and is practically an abnormal cellular growth of the uterus (Neoplasm). Uterine endometrial cancer, in many cases, can be strengthened and can be treated-treatment methods include medications, choice of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, depending on the protocol in question.

Once the problem is diagnosed, the right treatment may begin. The most common symptoms of cervical cancer occur in postmenopausal bleeding, and most women will identify this as a warning sign that they may have a problem and need medical assistance. Fortunately, only 10% to 20% of women with symptoms of menopause bleed appeared to have a malignant growth-abnormal bleeding should be assessed medically without delay because it often leads to the diagnosis of the disease in the first stage, When potentially contagious and highly treatable. (See Also: Signs And Symptoms of Uterine Cancer)

Some risk factors for endometrial cancer is infertility (or without children), estrogen without problems, final menopause, obesity, diabetes mellitus, a diet rich in animal fats, hypertension, and radiotherapy. The possibility that the problem of postmenopausal bleeding is actually a malignancy increases with age. The usual symptoms of cervical cancer are pelvic pain, painful sexual contact, and painful urination. Other symptoms may include vaginal or purulent drainage (pus), tissue drained and thicked and dead cells and usually indicate infection. Other symptoms of an advanced stage of the disease include weight loss, pain, and changes in bowel and bladder habits.

Signs of uterine cancer – Less than 5% of endometrial cancer cases are diagnosed before symptoms occur-usually found during the annual physical examination. However, cervical cancer can be identified early by examining PAP and each woman after menopause who have presented atypical cells on a Pap smear should be examined and tested for signs of the malignant uterus. Any woman who has not had a hysterectomy or a removed uterus can identify the symptoms of cervical cancer. Early detection is very important because stage I or 2 of this cancer can be in many treatable and highly treatable cases.

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