What is Laryngeal Cancer


What is laryngeal cancer, symptoms and  risk factors – Laryngeal cancer is a disease in which malignant cells (cancer) are formed in the tissue of the larynx. The larynx is part of the neck, between the base of the tongue and trachea. The larynx contains the vocal cords, which vibrate and ring when the air is directed against them. The sound echoes through pharynx, mouth, and nose to make a person’s voice. There is three main parts of the larynx: (1) Supraglottis. At the top of the larynx above the vocal chords, including Epiglottis. (2) Glottis. The center of the larynx where the vocal cords are located. (3) Subglot. The lower part of the larynx between the vocal cords and the trachea (trachea).

Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol are one of the main risk factors for throat cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be 13,430 new cases and 3,620 deaths from throat cancer in the United States by 2016. They point out that the number of cases has dropped from 2% to 3% annually, probably because the number of smokers is lower. Throat cancer is likely to occur in older persons and rarely occurs when people under 40 years of age. Men more likely 4 times more women to develop throat cancer.

How does throat cancer start and spread? What is laryngeal cancer – Cancer occurs when the cells of the body, in this case, are the cells, multiply and are divided without control or sequence. Usually, cells are divided and multiplied regularly. If cells continue to divide unchecked and do not mind when new cells are not needed, many forms of tissue, called growth or tumor. Cancer cells can invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body. Benign tumors do not attack or spread. The throat is a short corridor, shaped like a triangle, located beneath the pharynx in the neck. This is about 2 inches wide.

Throat cancer can develop in any part of the throat but usually begins to jaw. The inner walls of the throat are covered with cells called the cells, and most of the cancers are found in these cells. If throat cancer spreads, the cancerous cells often spread to the nearby lymph nodes in the neck. Cancerous cells can also be spread in the back of the tongue, and other parts of the throat, neck, lungs and other parts of the body. When this happens, the tumor is formed on the new site, it contains the same type of abnormal cell as the original tumor in the throat, called the people throat cancer.

Laryngeal cancer risk factors – Risk factors for throat cancer? Smoking is the most important risk factor for throat cancer. Mortality from throat cancer is much higher among non-smoking smokers. Laryngeal cancer symptoms – Passive smoking can also contribute. Moderate or severe alcohol consumption is also a factor. The American Cancer Society shows that eating one or more drinks a day, especially when combined with smoking, increases the risk of this type of cancer. Other risk factors include low social and economic situation, male, age over 40, and previous history of head or neck cancer. Cancer research in the United Kingdom indicated that acid reflux, human papillomavirus (PV), exposure to certain chemicals and low immunity were associated with throat cancer. (See Also: Cervical Cancer Vaccine Side Effect Pregnancy)

Laryngeal Cancer Symptoms

Symptoms of laryngeal cancer include: constantly coughing, hoarseness, sore throat, nodules are abnormal in the neck or neck, difficulty or pain in swallowing, often suffocating on food, breathing is difficult or noisy, Pain in the ear of continuous or unusual sensation in and around the skin of the ear, unplanned and significant weight loss, persistent odor in the mouth. Laryngeal cancer symptoms – Laryngeal cancer can be cured if diagnosed early. More than 60% of people diagnosed with this type of cancer will survive for 5 years or more.

How to diagnose laryngeal cancer? Laryngeal cancer diagnosis – Throat cancer may appear as a visible collision on the outside of the neck. In this case, a biopsy will help perform the diagnosis. A laryngoscope is small camera and light, which allows doctors to examine the mouth and throat. This can be used if symptoms indicate larynx or other tumors of the head and neck. Nasal endoscopy involves the thin and flexible scope, with fiber optics, which is inserted into the nostrils. This allows the doctor to see all pharynx and larynx. This can be done at the clinic, under local anesthesia.

A CT scan of the neck or head or the MRI can be done to see to what extent or size of the tumor. It can help the doctor determine whether cancer has spread to the lymph nodes of the neck. The biopsy and pathological analyses of abnormal tumors or tissues should be carried out to confirm the diagnosis of cancer. If the lesion appears small and confined to an area, the surgeon may perform an excision biopsy in an attempt to remove the tumor and transmit it to the pathology for examination. If laryngeal cancer is confirmed, your doctor may order additional tests to see if cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

How to treat and prevent laryngeal cancer? Treatment depends on the stage of cancer. Laryngeal cancer at the early stage can be treated by surgery or by radiation. At a later stage, a patient may have a combination of radiation and chemotherapy or a surgical intervention followed by radiation. Surgery involves the removal of a nearby cancerous tumor and tissue and may include evidence to remove cancerous lymph nodes in the neck. Surgery for cancer of the larynx, including endoscopic resection, partial Laryngectomy and total Laryngectomy.

Depending on the type of surgery, the patient may be suffering from the temporary or permanent windpipe. This is a puncture or stoma in the neck allowing healing after surgery. Some patients will have permanent paint, breathing through it. These patients need a tool that allows them to speak. Radiation therapy is used to kill cancer cells and reduce tumors. Radiation irradiation is directed to the tumors inside the neck from sources outside the body. The light burns everything in its path, so the skin will burn too. This could be painful.

Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells and to improve and maximize the effects of radiation. This can be used to reduce the size of large tumors before surgery, to improve the results of surgery and cosmetics. Medications are given as tablets or are entered in the vein by the catheter. They enter the bloodstream and move through the body, killing cells that quickly grow, including cancerous cells and some healthy cells. Throat cancer is very rare in people who don’t smoke. The best way to avoid throat cancer is to not smoke or to drink large amounts of alcohol because they are both linked to the disease.

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