Breast Cancer Metastasis To Bone Life Expectancy


Breast cancer metastasis to bone life expectancy – Breast cancer has spread to the bones too often. Bone metastases occur in about 70 percent of women with metastatic breast cancer (stage of cancer of the breast 4) and are often the first sign that cancer has a relapse. Fortunately, bone metastases may have a better prognosis than breast cancer that has spread to other areas, and some of the treatments available that not only reduce pain but also improve survival.

Breast cancer that spreads to the bones is a source of great confusion, so let’s start by defining exactly what it means. Breast cancer metastasis to bone life expectancy – Breast cancer that spreads to the bones is still breast cancer. If you have a sample of the tumor in the bone and look at it under a microscope, you would see the breast cancer cells.

Breast cancer that has spread to the bone, not bone cancer (cancer of the bone under a microscope will reveal the bone cancer cells). When breast cancer spreads to the bones the correct terminology is “metastatic breast cancer to the bone.” when the cancer is found in bones, it is more likely that the cancer metastasis from other areas of the body, than primary bone cancer.

Breast Cancer Metastasis To Bone Life Expectancy

Globally, breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer-related death in women. Breast cancer metastasis to bone life expectancy – In Denmark, breast cancer represents 27% of all cancers and 16% of all cancer deaths in women.

Approximately 5% of women with the metastatic disease came in the course of diagnosis of cancer of the breast and the bone is the most often have metastatic lesions. In the cohort a population-based study in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer, 1-2% have metastasis to the bone (BM) in the diagnosis and 5-6% More diagnosed with a BM in 5 years into the future. Due to the high prevalence of cancer of the breast, metastatic bone disease secondary burden of this disease is important. In the USA, approximately 91 000 women living with breast cancer due to BM at the end of 2008.

Breast cancer metastasis to bone life expectancy – BM can cause morbidity and loss of quality of life in women with advanced breast cancer. The accelerated bone resorption associated with the results of the BM at different events-skeletal related, radiation or surgery to bone, fractures, pathological, and spinal cord compression. Research has shown that at least one of SRE almost occurred in 50% of patients with breast cancer with BM and is associated with a poor prognosis. Life expectancy in a population of patients is, however, quite long. 1-year survival in patients with breast cancer with BM, with and without subsequent SRE, everyone has reported 40% and 59%.

Relative survival of patients with breast cancer with a group of BM (survival of 1 year, 3 years and 5 years. The highest survival in women who have the disease locally on their diagnosis of breast cancer and 5-year survival compared with those diagnosed with the disease regional or metastatic. After the adjustment of factors of prognostic importance were patients suffering from the metastatic disease at diagnosis of breast cancer the risk of death more than doubled during the first year after diagnosis than in patients with BM disease. See Also: Stage 4 Breast Cancer Survival Rate By Age.

Breast cancer metastasis to bone life expectancy – The solution to the problem of bone metastases and bone is important, no matter what a person breast cancer rates. Not only is breast cancer spread to the bones, but breast cancer treatment, such as hormonal therapy can cause bone loss. In fact, the drugs used for metastatic bone bisphosphonates), now considering even for those who suffer from early-stage breast cancer as a way to strengthen bones and can prevent bone metastases occur in the first place.

The pain that often accompanies metastasis of the bone, in combination with declining mobility due to broken bones or a tendency to fracture, can have a significant effect on the quality of life of women living with breast cancer Metastasis. However, unlike the common perception that there is little you can do if you have stage 4 breast cancer, there is a lot that can be done to not only reduce the pain and complications of bone metastasis but extended life.

As mentioned above, bone metastases from breast cancer are the most common sites of distant metastasis with breast cancer. Bone metastases are slightly more common in women who have estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer (metastatic to the liver and the brain are more common in women with HER2-positive breast cancer and triple negative).

Bone metastases are also more common in women with invasive cancer of the breast than invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast (metastatic lobular carcinoma on the abdominal (peritoneal metastasis) is more common). Different subtypes of cancer of the breast, metastatic cancer of the bone more common in luminal.

Why breast cancer spread to bones? Currently, we don’t understand why breast cancer spread to the bones. Breast cancer metastasis to bone life expectancy – Bone is rich in blood vessels, as well as the heart and lungs, the area where the breast cancer spreads, but with a lower frequency of bone. Due to the metastasis is very important (metastasis is the main cause of death in 90 percent of women who died of breast cancer), this area is actively investigated.

There is a theory that breast cancer may not be active in the bone marrow, and the bone is most often spread the cancer of the breast is bone marrow-rich bones. If you’re interested, you can learn more about stem cells and cancer the theory of dormancy as an explanation of why breast cancer can hide for years or decades and then reappear.

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