Stage 4 Brain Cancer Timeline


Stage 4 brain cancer timeline – Even today the diagnosis of “Brain Tumor” sends chills in the spine of the listener and is often equated with a death sentence. While the level of certain fears can be understood (as is the case for any disease), the panic of the mere certainly not justified at this time. But there are reasons why this is so. For this, we need to see at a glance the history of the management of brain tumors.

Surgery on the Nerves that deal with brain tumors is the youngest of specialization and is considered the “Queen” of all the specialties. Stage 4 brain cancer timeline – Until the end of the 19th century, no management of brain tumors. There are some surgeons that are brilliant which makes the operation of the nervous be surgery nerve and managed to lift some of the brain tumors.

But then the overall management is not systematic or consistent work. From the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the efforts of certain pioneering, surgery neuro began to grow in earnest and at the end of the 20th century, he has occupied a high place. In the development of this, many inventions and discoveries additional help surgery nervous.

Stage 4 Brain Cancer Timeline

Stage 4 brain cancer timeline – A brain tumor is a common and equally common with tumors in other parts of the body. A common misconception that a brain tumor rarely arises from the fact that they are not detected. There is a saying in medicine that says that “the occurrence of any disease is comparable with the knowledge”. A brain tumor occurs in all ages. They could be non-malignant tumors, which may be simple or malignant. But as already mentioned, even when benign tumors are considered less ‘ risky ‘, they can be just as severe in the brain, where space is limited.

It was said that it is the coherence function in the brain. Is shown as a loss. But it was a blessing in disguise, because someone could be a Diagnosis of brain disorders and to determine (or what is called localize) location of disease with high accuracy. Up to 20-30 eighties of the last century, examination by a doctor and x-ray of the skull was the way a brain tumor can be localized. In about 1925 the Electroencephalograph (like the more famous Electro Cardiograph) was introduced. This is useful for very limited boundaries.

Then came the air and then study what is called angiography. First, the air is injected into the brain; in the last injection of the dye and the blood vessels are studied. Stage 4 brain cancer timeline – This is a diagnostic tool that is available. Along with this, improvement of skills, more familiar with surgical procedures led to a situation in which a brain tumor can be dealt with successfully in 70-75% of cases. In the 1972 large shocks.

It is a computer Discovery axial tomography commonly referred to with the CT scan. Diagnosis of neurological diseases, which, they say, that the revolution is just a little tribute. Two of these inventors share a Nobel prize. This was followed by magnetic resonance imaging. MRI, On the basis of a very different concept. It delivers 99% accuracy, we can ask for more? See also: Stage 4 Lung Cancer Life Expectancy Without Treatment.

Every brain tumors produce symptoms (that the patient has, for example, headaches) and symptoms (such as paralysis), which appeared from the site of the tumor. With the exception of a small percentage of asymptomatic and symptoms characteristic for the nature of the tumor. Tumors of the pituitary gland are the exception. This resulted in a unique range of effects due to the failure of the body growth hormones like excess.

When the tumor grows it presses the brain, Stretch the coverage of the brain and reduces the flow of blood pressure on the blood vessels. Often the first symptom is a headache. This may be followed by vomiting in a later stage. Later, depending on the exact location of the tumor-specific symptoms appear.

Stage 4 brain cancer timeline – Tumors that arise in the area of the corresponding motion can produce appropriate or paralyzed. It will be held at different levels. When the tumor becomes sufficiently large, an increase in pressure inside the skull. This increased pressure felt the nerves in the eye.

This nerve swells and if the pressure is very high, the dead nerve and vision are lost. Loss of vision in the majority of these tumors is a sign of advanced disease. In the early days of neurosurgery, the majority of patients with benign tumors came up with blindness and even after the tumor operation is successful, the vision came back. Stage 4 brain cancer timeline – Seizures can occur as a result of a brain tumor. They should be distinguished from idiopathic epilepsy.

Stage 4 Brain Cancer Timeline

If a headache is a sign of a brain tumor, it means that every person headaches should see a neurosurgeon? No, of course not. If this persistent headaches, unusual or does not respond to the drugs ‘ usual ‘, then the doctor needs to ‘think’ the possibility of headaches resulting from other causes. In other words, the responsibility to decide when to investigate patients and when not doing anything completely present to the doctor.

In the early days of neurosurgery, the surgeon continued with the test only when strong evidence, because it introduces something into the body. They are known as an invasive investigation. But today, various techniques of scanning are not only accurate but also non-invasive. Therefore, if her suspicions are high, these tests may be ordered and the diagnosis is carried out. When he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, a statement about the diagnosis would destroy the morale of the patients and relatives. But it doesn’t have to be. The situation is not always so bad.

1. Operations: public opinion between the neurosurgeon is that the tumor surgically still offer the best hope for recovery. Stage 4 brain cancer timeline – But as has already been shown that complete removal of the tumor can not be done in all cases. If the tumor arises from the discussion then the total acceptance of the ‘blind’ leaves patients without speaking.

So a brain surgeon using newer techniques to identify important areas with a method called functional MRI. More than that, even if the operation is carried out MRI done to know the tumor of the left. Sometimes surgical removal is only partially due to technical reasons. Then we go on to the next

2. Radiation: radiation is used either instead of or alongside surgery. Actually, for some tumors, only radiation therapy used immunosuppressive therapy, chemotherapy, etc., yet to prove your overall ability. Now was introduced a new method of radiation with the method stereotactic.

And what is the result? The prospects for benign tumors almost sunny, under certain specific conditions. The only catch here should be early diagnosed tumor IE. Then the results will be good. For a malignant tumor depends on the success of the age, the nature of violence and the treatment methods. In some cases, can be guaranteed a good life for the time variable. In some (must be taken) this is not possible. The purpose of this section is to Show that brain tumors can be treated under certain conditions. The most important thing is awareness among doctors and patients.

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