Tracheal Cancer Life Expectancy


Tracheal cancer life expectancy – The trachea is a rare tumor of the tumors with the histological aspects, which are very diverse and can be potentially life-threatening obstruction of the respiratory tract because. We report our results in medical care, endoscopy, and surgery to primary and secondary tumors of the trachea.

Cancer of the trachea begins at the larynx (trachea). It happens rarely and the exact cause is not known. Smoking is associated with a type of cancer of the trachea the most common is called squamous cell cancer, but does not cause other types. Trachea cancer symptoms include a dry cough, shortness of breath, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, fever, chills, and recurrent chest infections, coughing up blood, and breath-shortness of breath or noisy.

If Your doctor thinks that your symptoms may be caused by cancer, they will refer you to a specialist. Various tests and Scan are used to diagnose cancer of the trachea, including: tests of pulmonary function, X-ray, MRI, CT scan or ultrasound, or bronchoscopy.

The primary treatment of cancer of the trachea is surgery and radiotherapy. If possible, cancer will be abolished completely by surgery. Tracheal cancer life expectancy – Radiotherapy is often administered later, to reduce the risk of cancer returning. Chemotherapy is also sometimes used. If the tumor affects your breathing, you may need treatment to clean your trachea. This therapy, including internal radiotherapy, cryotherapy, and laser treatment is usually performed by rigid bronchoscopy.

Tracheal Cancer Life Expectancy

The prognosis is poor, less than 15% of patients survive more than 3 years, 40% to 90% experienced local recurrence and 20 to 50% of experiencing a distant metastasis. For tumors of the trachea, the age of life in the range of from 6 to 9 months for tumors detected early, the overall survival after curative resection range from 0 to 60%. See Also: What is A Teratoma Tumor.

Early diagnosis is rare, due to the lack of early symptoms and the difficulty in the visualization of the tumor x-rays of the chest routine. So, the trachea carcinoma usually has been diagnosed with a regional spread outside the trachea. Before 1960, the majority of patients treated with endoscopic resection or a limited appointment, followed by irradiation of the outer orthovoltage. Less than 15% of patients survive more than 1 year. Tracheal cancer life expectancy – Advances in surgical procedures over the last three decades, as is the ability to fully mobilize the right Hilar pulmonary ligament, relaxes and re-attach the left main bronchi, the conducting dissection intrapericardial, and to mobilize the trachea and resection of the cervical cancer of the trachea allows for the possibility. possible previously considered irreparable, surgery was the treatment of the most healing, but rarer for tumors of the trachea.

5-year survival ranged between 20 and 40% after curative resection for epidermoid carcinoma. Tracheal cancer life expectancy – However, operative morbidity and mortality can be significant, and only 10% of patients have tumors that are suitable for curative resection. Survival after surgery was reported for better than after irradiation. However, despite the radiotherapy as the primary treatment yielded results that vary and complications, most reported series contains only a small amount of patients, are often treated with orthovoltage on the total radiation dose Low. Radiotherapy techniques have also been developed in the past few decades, and the report shows local control and the potential medications for patients with tumors confined to the trachea. Some institutions have significant experience with the management of primary carcinoma of the trachea. The effectiveness of carcinoma of the trachea definitive irradiation is in the literature rarely discussed because of the rarity of this disease.

Tracheal Cancer Treatment

Treatment of tumors of the trachea may vary depending on the clinical condition of the patient, the degree of obstruction of the trachea, enlargement of the tumor, stage, histology and biological behavior, which is a factor affecting prognosis and long-term survival Long. Evaluation of endoscopic and histological diagnosis is mandatory for the selection of the most appropriate treatment. If possible, radical surgical resection should be performed.

Regardless of its approach (medical, endoscopy, and surgery), in all patients, after-care treatment is going smoothly. With a median follow-up of 42 months, five of the six patients were alive, in good health and without local recurrence or distant. Only one patient died, one year after the brontoscopic treatment, for causes that are not associated with a history of cancer.

Tracheal cancer life expectancy – Due to the lack of tumors of the trachea, several studies have been published in the literature as regards the classification of histological staging, treatment strategy, short-term results, and long-term survival rate. Lower the incidence of primary tumors of the trachea in comparison with primary pulmonary and bronchial passages can be explained by the decrease of the surface epithelium of the trachea, the existence of cellular secretion of the mucous membrane and the flow of air to the trachea.

Malignant tumors of the trachea between the epithelium of the prominent, in terms of incidence, in particular, histotype squamous and glandular mucus or both. Tracheal cancer life expectancy – This particular aspect has been associated with the transformation of squamous epithelium of the respiratory metaplastic in the tile, due to the action of the agent Vandal (like cigarette smoke) on the mucous membrane, although to date, the etiology of the factors related to the origin of the tumor of the trachea.

In conclusion, the treatment of tumors of the trachea may vary in relation to the patient’s clinical status, the degree of obstruction of the trachea, enlargement and tumor stage, histology and biological behavior, which is a factor affecting prognosis and long-term survival.

Evaluation brontoscopic and histological diagnosis is the basis for the selection of the most appropriate care; If possible, surgical resection should be performed to radicality oncologist. Conservative treatment is preferred in very young patients and in those with significant comorbidities. In our experience, no matter what his approach (medical, endoscopy, and surgery), in all patients, post-treatment nothing will happen. Due to the fact that currently there are no international guidelines, further studies and multicentric an expert on the rare disease, it is necessary to standardize treatment and improve the prognosis.

Tracheal cancer life expectancy – In addition, to increase the number of potential patients who will undergo surgical resection, it is recommended to focus on the treatment of tumor of the trachea in a small number of highly specialized referral center, respectively, according to estimates of experts, should work for a population of about ten or 20 000 000 units. This way, you will be very likely that will improve the quality of care and experience of team operations, which should be able to handle the cases with competence and professionalism, and thus achieve a level of excellence.

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