Neuroendocrine Cancer Stage 4


Neuroendocrine Cancer Stage 4 – The neuroendocrine system consists of cells that have distinct characteristics of both endocrine cells, which produce hormones and nerve cells. Neuroendocrine cells exist throughout the body and in various organs perform specific functions, such as regulating airflow to the lungs or the speed of transit of food in the digestive tract or releasing digestive juices into the intestine.

If a neuroendocrine tumor develops in an advanced stage, all of these symptoms will appear immediately. There are many types of cancer in the world, some of which are known by important international experts, others are less known and are still being studied and analyzed through certain research publications. Neuroendocrine tumors, also known as carcinoid, are obviously one of them. Carcinoid is usually located near the small intestine or appendix.

But let’s see what are the main symptoms that highlight the formation of cancer cells. Firstly, it is often washed, a situation in which the outside temperature does not affect the perception of heat. Secondly, palpitations, although the causes of these symptoms can also come from stress, often beating, even without reason, can advertise carcinoid. Neuroendocrine Cancer Stage 4 – The third is the most frequent abdominal pain. And fourth, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. See also: Metastatic Neuroendocrine Cancer Prognosis.

In general, the symptoms depend on the organs involved and the types of biologically active substances that are sometimes produced by the tumors (e.g., serotonin, insulin, adrenaline and histamine). The most common symptoms include hypertension, fever, headache, sweating, vomiting, increased heart rate, but also hyper or hypoglycemia, diarrhea, loss of appetite, increased or decreased weight, changes in bowel habits and urination, rash, subcutaneous nodules, persistent cough. Neuroendocrine Cancer Stage 4 – In particular, especially when the disease is located in the liver, there is a call  “carcinoid syndrome ” which is caused by the excessive production of hormones and is characterized by different symptoms depending on the hormones. The most common symptoms are prolonged diarrhea, redness of the skin, increased heart rate and difficulty breathing.

Neuroendocrine Cancer Stage 4

Neuroendocrine tumors are relatively rare and represent less than 0.5% of all malignancies. In Italy, there are 4-5 new cases per 100,000 people per year and this is equivalent to about 2,700 new diagnoses. Neuroendocrine Cancer Stage 4 – This is a low incidence of tumors, but with a high prevalence, compared to other types of tumors, patients are few but coexist for years with this disease. Neuroendocrine tumors can also be diagnosed in children and adolescents, but are clearly more common among adults and the elderly.

The diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors is complicated even for experienced physicians, but, like all types of cancer, a medical examination is the first step to be given. Doctors ask questions about symptoms and family history, and if you suspect a neuroendocrine tumor, they determine some more specific tests.

When diagnosed early, neuroendocrine tumors (NET) can often be removed and cured by surgery. If possible, surgery is the first treatment option for neuroendocrine tumors. Even in these cases, patients need to undergo medical follow-up for at least ten years to ensure that the tumor does not return.

However, most people with neuroendocrine tumors are diagnosed in an advanced stage of the disease, when cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Even in these cases, if there is adherence to treatment, it is possible to control the disease and the symptoms for years. Keep in mind that the treatment of neuroendocrine tumors is old and seeks effective control of this disease. Therefore, the better the treatment adherence, the greater the chance of adequately controlling the disease and guaranteeing the quality of life of the patients.

Neuroendocrine Cancer Stage 4 – The definition of the most appropriate treatment for neuroendocrine tumors (NET) will depend on several factors. Among the aspects observed to determine the treatment are: the size and location of the tumor, if the cancer spread (metastasis), besides the general condition of the patient’s health.

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