Skin Cancer Mole Signs


Skin cancer mole signs – Signs and symptoms of melanoma skin cancer – Unusual moles, sores, bumps, spots, markings, or changes in the area of the skin looks or feels may be a sign of melanoma or skin cancer other, or a warning that this can happen.

Skin Cancer Mole Signs: Normal Moles

Normal moles are usually evenly colored brown, Tan, or black spots on the skin. It can be flat or raised. It can be round or oval. Moles are usually less than 6 millimeters (about ¼ inch) with (a eraser width of a pencil). Some moles are present at birth, but usually appear in childhood or adolescence. new moles that appear later in the day, should be checked by your doctor.

When a mole has developed, as a rule, have the same size, shape and color for many years. Some moles may fade with time.

Most people have moles, and almost all moles are not dangerous. But it is important to understand the changes in a mole – such as its size, shape, or color that may indicate melanoma can grow.

Signs And Symptoms of Melanoma May
Warning signs that are most important in melanoma is a new spot on the skin or spots that change in size, shape or color. Another important sign is a different place than all other places on the skin (known as the sign of the ugly Duckling). If you have one of the warning signs, have your dermatologist.

ABCDE is usually another guide to the usual signs of melanoma. Be alert and inform the doctor about spots that have the following features:

  • For asymmetry: one half of a mole or birthmark does not match with others.
  • B-border: the edges are uneven, rough, fashion, or blurred.
  • C for color: the colors do not match and may consist of various shades of brown, or black, or sometimes pink, red, white, or blue.
  • The Diameter of the D-spot is larger than 6 millimeters (about ¼ inch – pencil eraser size), though occasionally melanoma may be less than this.
  • E for development: a mole changes in size, shape or color.

Some sign of birth does not correspond with this rule. It is important to tell your doctor about any changes or new spots on the skin or growths that look different from the rest of your moles.

Warning signs:
  • Ulcers that do not heal
  • The distribution of pigment spots in the border with the surrounding skin
  • Redness or swelling of the new out of a mole
  • Changes in sensation such as itching, pain or pain
  • Change the surface of the mole – scaliness, oozing, bleeding, or the appearance of a bump or bump
Be sure to show your doctor any area that is relevant to you and requesting your doctor to see areas that may be difficult for you to see. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between melanoma and moles are common, even for doctors, so it is very important to show your doctor any mole that you are not sure.

Skin Cancer Mole Signs: How to spot an atypical Mole

Normal moles are often brown spots or small growths on the skin that appear in the first decade of the age of almost everything. They may be flat or high and generally round shape and fixed. Many are caused by exposure to the sun.
Melanoma is one form of a terrible skin cancer that most often occurs as an asymmetrical, irregularly bordered, multicolored or red-brown spots or growth that continues to increase in size from time to time. It may start as a flat place and be higher. In the case of rare cases, it can be an amelanotic that it does not have the skin pigment (melanin) which is usually a mole or melanoma is brown, black or other dark colors. In this case, it can be pink, red, normal skin color or other colors, which makes it difficult to recognize, because of melanoma.
Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between atypical moles and melanoma early. (Some atypical moles started on the moles.) Degree features atypical in moles can determine whether it is not dangerous, or at moderate risk or high to be melanoma. Many doctors consider such moles with the dermatoscope handheld devices magnifier that allows you to visualize the internal structure of the skin and the color can not be seen with the naked eye. Your doctor may also choose to remove all or part of the mole for examination in the laboratory.
Some of the factors may be clear evidence that the atypical moles is actually a melanoma or in danger of turning into melanoma. These include itching, pain, height, crusts of blood, oozing, swelling, persistent sores, a bluish-black color, and other features that can go up to the edge of the mole. If you or someone you love has any warning signs, consult with a dermatologist or other doctor who has experience in the treatment of skin diseases.
A doctor can often identify atypical moles on the same classic “ABCDE” signs used to identify melanoma may be:
  • Asymmetry: unlike normal moles, atypical moles are often asymmetrical: A line drawn in the middle does not create matching halves.
  • Border: while the total number of moles tend to have a common, sharp, clear boundaries, the borders of atypical moles, as a rule, is intermittent and / or ambiguous – they say gradually fade into the surrounding skin.
  • Color: normal moles are often tan, brown mole or flesh colored, but atypical is varied, uneven color with a thin, randomly the area of tanning, brown, dark brown, red, blue or black.
  • Diameter: atypical moles are usually larger than 6 mm (¼ inch), the size of a pencil eraser, but may be lower.
  • Evolution: expansion or any significant change in the moles before the stable or the appearance of a mole a new after 40 years, should raise suspicions.
Other factors in addition to the ABCDEs also can show atypical moles:
  • Surface: the middle Part is often increased, while the peripheral parts are usually flat, sometimes with a small “rocky” facades.
  • Different appearance: atypical moles can be very diverse, often different between each other.
Atypical moles with asymmetry, irregularity of borders, and several shades of brown. atypical moles with asymmetry, roughness of the boundary, color change and diameter greater than ¼ inch. atypical moles on the back. Close-up of a mole (right) shows the asymmetry, color variegation and border violations.

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