Multiple Myeloma Bone Cancer


Multiple myeloma bone cancer – Multiple myeloma is a cancer unique of plasma cells which attack and destroy bone. Because of the complexity, this disease can be difficult to diagnose and often lead to treatment recommendations differ from doctor. The term “multiple myeloma” comes from the bone marrow of some areas, which usually affects of the disease (which in itself is the result of an increased number of plasma cells malignant in the bone marrow). As the cells plasma cells antibodies, the patient has a high level of one type of antibodies called M-proteins in the blood and / or urine. These patients often have a decrease in the number of blood cells and a decrease in the number of antibodies to normal, which often affect the immune system.

Multiple Myeloma Bone Cancer

The accumulation of plasma cells in bone or correction can lead to swelling which leads to a decrease in bone strength. Broken bones, as well as bone pain significant usually occurs in multiple myeloma as a direct result of the loss of bone strength.

How to treat multiple myeloma?
the disease progresses at different rates depending on the patient and at this time no known treatment. Despite this fact, the myeloma responds well to treatment, and the results are always improved. current treatment aims to control disease and symptoms that help to reduce the patients a better quality of life. Depending on the individual circumstances, treatment may include chemical stabilization of the body and the immune system, radiation and / or surgery to relieve discomfort and improve function and, finally, chemotherapy and radiation to help slow or stop the course of the disease and induce remission. Because multiple myeloma is a complex disease that can often be resistant to chemotherapy.

See also: Multiple Myeloma Bone Lesions Prognosis

Who is at risk?
About 1,000 people worldwide are diagnosed every day with multiple myeloma. This disease occurs most frequently in people of middle age or older, and is more common in men than women, African-Americans more than white people. Although the cause of multiple myeloma is not sure, exposure to pesticides, petroleum products and nuclear radiation are considered important initiating factors. the median survival is about 5-6 years, depending on the condition of the disease.

What disease?

There are 4 levels of state of myeloma such as (starting with the lowest risk):

  • MGUs: Diagnose when the M (myeloma) is a protein in the body, but no myeloma or symptoms of the disease double. Treatment is usually not needed or recommended at this stage. There is a probability of 1% per year, which is a situation that will developed associated with a disease that requires treatment. An analogy would be how HIV can turn into AIDS. You can have the HIV virus, but do not develop AIDS.
  • Myeloma asymptomatic: This slow progression of the disease, causing anemia that is mild, initial damage to the bones and susceptibility to infections. The patient requires immediate attention and processing to a minimum.
  • Plasmacytoma: It is usually detected when a group of plasma cells abnormally grow in the bone local or soft tissue. This can lead to the development of various tumors or tumors (e.g., multiple myeloma). Radiation therapy is a common treatment. Rarely is surgical removal of the tumor possible.

Myeloma symptoms or active (stage II or III myeloma)

The symptoms of myeloma normal present. These include:
  • Damage to experience bone pain a bone or a fracture or rotting bone
  • Anemia (decrease in red blood cell production) of patient feel tired and weak
  • a high level of protein in the blood or urine, the patient suffers from circulation
  • kidney disease, calcium high blood (cause damage to the bones) the feeling -patsient confusion, dehydration, constipation, weakness and fatigue
  • A weakened immune system, patients become more susceptible to infection
As the Myeloma Affect Bones?
Myeloma often affects the spine, ribs, pelvis and long bones main symptom is pain or broken bones. The adverse effect of the weakening of the bones can occur from the inside of the bone marrow in the outer surface of the bone. the soft spot, or osteolytic lesions, as the “holes” in the bones, and appear as when the X-ray. these lesions cause pain and can often lead to fractures and bone damage. bone destruction in myeloma is due to the presence of the lesion is osteolytic. The focus is formed when the rapid growth of cells myeloma produce substances that activate bone resorption, or bone cells-eat called osteoclasts. Usually, these cells break down old bone or wear and work with bone cells to repair bone tissue. Unfortunately, the increased activity of osteoclast which leads to bone loss with more speed than the speed with which new bone formed.
Is it to do with Bone Cancer, Prostate and Lung Cancer with Bone Cancer?
It is common for breast, prostate and lung cancer to metastasize to bone. The bone marrow provides a “ground” effective to “seed” the cancer spread and grow. It seems that the symbiotic relationship between cancer and bone marrow “ground” similar to how plants take nutrients from the soil and the nutrients in the soil due to decomposition. Most of the previous studies bone metastases overlooked the important links that potential in targeting and “land” and “seeds” for patients with a form of bone cancer.
Since the bone is not a “vital organ”, a man with bone metastases can survive for a longer period of time, but with very low quality of life. In particular, a large part of the problems associated with bone cancer, usually the result of participation in the pelvis or the spine. the involvement of the causing severe pain and life weaken because of the collapse and thinning of the bone in the important areas in the body. Patients who experience symptoms horrible can often be a higher risk to develop symptoms of depression.

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