Testicular Cancer Screening Tests


Testicular cancer screening tests – What is screening? Cancer screening is the investigation of people who have early signs of some type of cancer, although it has no symptoms whatsoever. Scientists have studied cancer models in the general population to identify people who have the risk of developing certain types of tumors. Environmental factors and behaviors can cause cancer as well as research.

This information is useful in selecting people to be tested for certain cancers, to find out which tests are used and how frequently should be done. Testicular cancer screening tests – Not all exams are useful and many are at risk: bleeding, infection, testable or groin for biopsy. This is why this survey is done to determine its usefulness.

If the doctor recommends a special screening test for cancer in periodic testing, that doesn’t mean the patient has cancer. A screening test is done when there is no symptom. Because the decision to perform difficult tests, it is advisable to discuss with experts the benefits and risks of potential refinement and whether it has been proven to reduce the risk of death by cancer. Testicular cancer screening tests – If the patient has signs of some type of cancer, an expert would recommend doing a test, called a diagnostic investigation.

The examination is the male sexual organs involved in the production of sperm. They have placed the posteroinferior penis in a leather bag called scrotum. The examination is the primary source of testosterone in the body.

Testicular cancer is rare. Despite the slight increase in quantities, the mortality rate caused by testicular cancer has decreased dramatically since 1960 as a consequence of improved treatment techniques. Anything that can increase the risk of a person’s cancer is called risk factors. Among the risk factors the testicular cancer is:

  • Age: Youth at high risk; Testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer in men between 20 and 34, the second most popular from 35 to 39 years of age and the third frequency from 15 to 19 years
  • Family history: Men with a family history of testicular cancer with high risk of developing this type of cancer
  • Heredity: Men with genital disorders or Klinefelter syndrome are at high risk of this cancer
  • Personal history: The man who infected the testicular cancer has the risk of developing a higher testicular cancer; People with testicular cancer at risk of developing the same tumor in other testicular. Testicular cancer mice commonly encountered in white people rather than in black people.
Most of the original testicular cancer is detected by the patient in a manner of accidental or self-examination. Testicular cancer screening tests – Some cases have been detected during a periodic health check. However, no research has been conducted to show the self-examination or regular inspection of physicians leading to a decrease in the number of deaths caused by testicular cancer.

Most men go to a doctor by force. They hardly realize that they have health problems and they usually need a small motor to take seriously health. Men need to understand that a doctor is perhaps the best ally in preventing health problems. Testicular cancer screening tests – Myocardial infarction and stroke, prostate and colon cancer, type 2 diabetes is a disease that can be prevented or detected early. There is at least one visit to a doctor annually to make a proper screening test.

Testicular Cancer Screening Guidelines

Why are important screening tests? Doing the right screening tests at the right time is one of the most important things that a man can do for his health. The purpose of screening tests is to help you find health problems as soon as they are treated more easily. For example, early detection, colon cancer can be cured. Also early detection, diabetes can be controlled, preventing the appearance of complications related as loss of vision, kidney failure or heart disease. The tests you need are recommended depending on the age and risk factors that you are facing. Here are 8 screening tests that everyone needs:

1. Measurement of blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors that cause cardiovascular disease, leading cause of death in men. Ideally, blood pressure should be under 130/85 mm mercury (mm Hg). Testicular cancer screening tests – Any increase of 20 units of revenue (first) or 10 (the second number) hypertension has doubled the risk of men suffering from myocardial infarction or stroke.

How many salts of salt involve hypertension are encouraged to reduce the amount of sodium not exceeding 2,300 mg a day (5.8 mg of salt or a teaspoon of salt and a quarter). Experts at Harvard Medical school said those with higher blood pressure than 120/80 mm Hg should consume 1,500 mg of sodium per day (3.8 mg of salt or a three-quarter teaspoon of salt). This recommendation also applies to people over 50 years of age.

Check food labels, because sodium is usually derived from a surprising source. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, bread is the primary salt source. Other foods contain sodium and you need to be careful in including: Soy Sauce, mustard, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), smoked foods, barbecue, pickles, or Baking powder.

2. PSA and prostate clinical screening. The prostate is a line of beans under the bladder, which helps to create the liquid that generates semen. Prostate cancer is the second cause of cancer deaths in men following lung cancer.

When is the need to check prostate cancer? Experts advise people, from 50 years or older, are doctors or urologists supporting the test decision. Talk to your doctor about what is currently known about the risks and benefits of screening and treating prostate cancer.

If you choose to test, you need to make a blood test to determine the specific stable Antigen PSA prostate message, with or without the prostate screening via the cough rectum. Testicular cancer screening tests – The regular level you will be checking will depend on your PSA level. If you have a case of prostate cancer in the family, you should start exams early at this age. Talk to your doctor to find out what is the risk factors for prostate cancer and when you should start refinement.

3. Self-examination Testi’s. Early detection of testicular cancer increases the likelihood of survival to 90%. Testicular cancer mainly affects male youths aged between 20 and 35. When should I check your testicular cancer screening? Check the testable, once a month, is very important, especially for men under 40 years of age, at the highest risk. And the doctor’s visit is not necessary. You can surf alone at home in just a few minutes. Most likely, after bathing, when the muscles are more relaxed. Carefully monitor each testis to observe any abnormalities: swelling, difficult area, change in form (consistency and testicular size is less than 3 cm can point out a high risk of testicular cancer). If you detect nodes or abnormalities, immediately go to the doctor.

4. Endoscopic colon. Colorectal cancer is one of the most common and most serious cancers in men. Like testicular cancer and prostate cancer, colorectal cancer has a much better prognosis if identified soon. When should a colorectal cancer check? Endoscopic colon is the best method for detection of disease and is recommended for men at an average risk of 10 years. It is important that people start experimenting at the age of 50 or earlier if there are cases of colorectal cancer in the family.

Testicular cancer screening tests – This experiment takes about 30 minutes and involves taking a sedative to help you relax. Doctors even recommend a full anesthetic. The doctor will then enter the colon in the colon to find signs of colon polyps. They can be removed if necessary. The most annoying part is preparing endoscopic colon as it needs a special diet and laxative to cleanse the colon. In some cases, it is advisable to make enema before the endoscopic colon.

5. Testosterone test. This simple blood test can say a lot about your overall health. Men have low-level testosterone prone to overweight and obesity, diabetes, depression or fatigue and osteoporosis. Testosterone does not decrease by age, but excess belly fat can reduce the concentration of testosterone, which affects the sex life. Of course, low testosterone levels can be adjusted by reducing belly fat.

6. Determination of sugar in the blood. One out of 10 Romanian people suffering from diabetes, the result of a national study reveals the prevalence of diabetes, diabetes, overweight, obesity, blood lipid disorders, increased blood uric acid and chronic renal disease, published in 2014 by the Romanian Association of Diabetes, nutrition and disease conversion. Non-controlled diabetes leads to severe complications such as heart disease and stroke, kidney disease and blindness. All this can be avoided with diet, fitness, weight loss and proper treatment.

Measurement of blood glucose at hunger (blood glucose), glucose tolerance, and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) can be used individually or with the screening of diabetes. When should a diabetic screening test work? Testicular cancer screening tests – International recommendations suggest that these healthy men should be examined three years, starting at 45 years old.

7. Measuring cholesterol. The high level of cholesterol “bad ” or LDL-blood cholesterol causes the plaque buildup on the artery formation, narrowing the size and makes it more difficult for their blood circulation. A medical condition called atherosclerosis is characterized by the narrow artery, which can be complicated due to myocardial infarction or stroke. You can find out the whole cholesterol, “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and the “Good” (HDL) and triglycerides (fat in the bloodstream) through a simple blood test lipid profile.

When should the screening test be lipids? Blood cholesterol levels are regularly recommended for all men, starting at 35 years of age. If you have increased the risk of cardiovascular disease, it is advisable to begin testing at 20 years of age: type 2 diabetes, family history with cardiovascular disease before 50 years in the male trunk (every 60 years in a woman’s family) , smoking, hypertension, and obesity (IMC ≥ 30).

8. Check for glaucoma. Glaucoma defines a group of eye diseases that gradually destroy the visual nerves, which cause vision loss. Many times, the disease is detected late, when not likely to lose vision. Screening tests determine the high abnormal pressure inside the eye, thereby detection of disease before the nerve nerve lesions.

When should a screening test be applied? Screening of glaucoma is encouraged based on age and exposure to risk factors (family history, previous eye injuries, steroids): Under 40: Per 2-4 years, between 40-54: Per 1-3 years, between 55-64: Every 1 -2 years , above 65: every 6-12 months. Testicular cancer screening tests? Do not delay the visit to the doctors and discuss with him about the importance of screening tests and how to prevent or delay health problems that may affect your quality of life. Don’t forget that prevention is the best and the “cheapest ” to treat!

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