Brain Cancer Symptoms in Females


Brain cancer symptoms in females – Individuals with a brain tumor may encounter the accompanying symptoms or signs. Once in a while, individuals with a brain tumor don’t have any of these progressions. Or, on the other hand, the reason for a side effect might be another therapeutic condition that is not a brain tumor. Symptoms of a brain tumor can be general or particular. A general side effect is caused by the weight of the tumor on the brain or spinal line. Brain cancer symptoms in females – Particular symptoms are caused when a particular piece of the brain is not functioning admirably a direct result of the tumor. For some individuals with a brain tumor, they were analyzed when they went to the specialist in the wake of encountering an issue, for example, a migraine or different changes.

Brain Cancer Symptoms in Females

What? This is known as brain tumor with a mass growing in the brain. If it comes from the brain itself are called primary tumors, while the secondary is emerging in other parts of the organism, especially in the lungs or breasts, and at some point, it has spread to the brain. Brain cancer symptoms in females – Malignant tumors grow faster, more aggressive and invasive lifetime compared to benign tumors. The main Area of the brain where they tend to appear in the parenchyma of the brain, the meninges, blood vessels, cranial nerves, glands, bones, and embryos remain. Tumors can cause damage to the brain by invading nearby tissue or by pressing an area of the brain other because of its own growth.

The cause? Causes the cause of brain tumors is currently unknown. However, there are some risk factors that predispose to this disease:

Brain tumor symptoms in women UK – Genetics? According to the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), genetic predisposition may have a role in the development of brain tumors, although there are no data to confirm that some brain tumors may be hereditary. However, there is a syndrome of inheritance in which a tumor of the brain plays a major role in the pathology of, for example, on some rare diseases, such as neurofibromatosis, among others.

Chromosome? Every cell in the human body consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes. The latest research shows that in some types of brain tumors no part of the pair of chromosomes or there is the more part. This singularity usually occurs at the tumor called oligodendroglioma, on chromosomes 1 and 19. At this time, the investigation into the changes to help treat these tumors.

Injury? Some specialists support the relationship between trauma and brain tumors. However, there are some data, some contradictory, that allow the creation of this link.

Radiation? Ionizing radiation can be harmful to human cells because changing their genetic makeup. This radiation is used in the diagnosis of many pathologies (x-ray) or in therapy (radiotherapy) different tumors. In recent years, there has been considerable debate about the impact of radiation on the use of technological devices every day, especially on the effects of mobile phone use. From SEOM, they show that there is no research that consistently supports the radiation is non-ionizing which causes lesions oncogenic, although this possibility can not be ignored. Various studies have been conducted in Europe and the United States to analyze whether cell phone use is a cancer risk factor has shown the results of a controversial, why experts consider it necessary to include more time and to realize a lot more research to be known. To do.

Virus – The specialist does not find a link between the virus and brain tumors.

Other factors – Brain tumors occur more often in men, white men, and kids.

In addition, chemicals, such as nitrate compounds in the environment, can cause the appearance of tumors.

Brain Cancer Symptoms in Females

Manifestations of brain tumors usually appear suddenly and quickly. As SEOM explains, symptoms vary depending on the region or area which they affect. Brain tumors can be started with epileptic seizures or with signs that are common in other pathologies, such as thoughts sluggish, lack of concentration, and change in character or behavior. In addition, there is a secondary manifestation of other may appear as a consequence of increased intracranial pressure: a headache or vomiting, and some are associated with tumor localization (language change or movement).

Depending on the situation of the tumor may present different symptoms:

  • The frontal lobes: Patients with tumors in this area may experience paralysis in the face or extremities, mood swings, lack of attention, language disorders or urinary incontinence, among others.
  • Temporal lobe: In this case, the affected person may experience visual disturbances, hearing, balance, smell, and taste. Disorders of language and memory, as well as changes in behavior and emotions, it is also a characteristic of this type of tumor.
  • Parietal lobe: this Symptom is more complex because of its location. Is the dominant disorders of vision and difficulty recognizing objects or body parts or language.
  • Lobes occipital: The most common are visual disturbances, such as blindness.

Prevention – Because the cause is not known, there is no method to help prevent the onset of a brain tumor.

Type – The first classification that can be done with brain tumors there are on the primary tumor or metastases. Primary brain tumors are brain-derived from the brain. They usually appear during childhood or from 40 or 50 years. The type of tumor and its location is determined by age; Astrocytomas an infratentorial tumor and middle line dominate in infancy and adolescence, such as medulloblastoma and pinealoma; In adulthood, astrocytomas anaplastic and glioblastoma. Metastatic tumors is that appears outside the brain, such as the lungs in the breast, and has evolved into a secondary or metastatic brain tumors.

The scale of the last classifies brain tumors based on cells derived from them and the value of histological that defines the aggressiveness of the tumor. Grade I in accordance with the tumor less aggressive, while grade IV includes the most aggressive tumors.

Astrocytoma – Astrocytoma born from cells called astrocytes. Type of glioma formed by a group of tumors with a form of biological behavior are very different: pilocytic, diffuse and anaplastic. Astrocytoma, pilocytic (grade I) accounted for 5 percent of all gliomas and occur more frequently in young people. Surgical treatment can cure this tumor. Diffuse astrocytomas are grade II. In this case, specialists recommend radiotherapy after surgery, especially if the tumor is still there.

Finally, anaplastic astrocytoma (grade III) the most aggressive. These tumors occur more frequently in men and, as in pilocytic, the treatment recommended is surgery, although because of its location, in some cases the patient can not be operated. Depending on the case, the oncologist can assign chemotherapy or radiation therapy after surgery.

Glioblastoma multiforme – These tumors include between 15 and 17 percent of all primary brain tumors and are most commonly found in 50-75 percent of cases. Usually diagnosed in the fifth or sixth decade of life and affects men more than women (60 percent men and 40 percent women).

Brain cancer symptoms in females – This behaves with malignancy characterized by a rapid attack of the brain tissue. In many cases, this tumor has a large size at the time of making the diagnosis, which occupies more than one lobe cerebral or stretched into a hemisphere. For this reason, the secondary symptoms are very common, such as a headache, vomiting, mental disorders and epileptic seizures. Treatment consists of surgery followed by combination treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, except in the elderly.

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