Multiple Myeloma Cure


Multiple myeloma cure – The incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) is a significant increase in the risk of VTE increases even more during the induction chemotherapy, especially when using a combination of thalidomide or lenalidomide with prednisone, and dexamethasone to high dose, while therapy comprising bortezomib no potential thrombotic complications. The efficacy of thromboprophylaxis pharmacological using low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), aspirin (ASA) or warfarin has been demonstrated in several nonrandomized comparative studies, and now are results newly available of a randomized trial. In MM patients during the induction therapy that includes thalidomide or lenalidomide in combination with a corticosteroid and / or prophylaxis of thrombosis pharmacological anthracyclines recommended. The low molecular weight heparin is preferred to warfarin in most patients, the patients with replacement of the mechanical valve of heart, should be administered. ASA is considered to be a reasonable alternative, especially for patients with other indications for antiplatelet therapy. TEN optimal treatment for patients with MM has not been determined, however, the same approach as for other patients with malignant tumors seems better. These patients should be treated for 6 months with LMWH. The therapeutic dose initial can be reduced after a month to 2 / a 3-3 / fourth After 6 months should be reviewed and additional treatment should be considered treatment of long-term monitoring with LMWH or warfarin, if not achieved complete remission MM.

Prophylaxis and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolic Disease in Patients with Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma cured – The incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is increased markedly in patients with multiple myeloma (MM); in Addition, the risk of VTE is increased during the induction phase of the therapy, especiall if a combination of thalidomide or lenalidomide with prednisone high dose or dexamethasone is used ‘WHI-containing therapy bortezomib is not associated with the risk of thrombotic complications. The effectiveness of pharmacological thromboprophylaxis using low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), aspirin (ASA) or warfarin has been demonstrated in numerous non-randomized comparative studies, and the results of a randomized trial are recently available. thromboprophylaxis pharmacological is recommended in MM patients During the induction therapy thalidomide or lenalidomide with the addition of be combined with corticosteroids and / or anthracyclines. LMWH is the preferred mode of thromboprophylaxis in patients of bridge; warfarin should be used in patients with mechanical heart valves. ASA is considered as a reasonable alternative, especially for patients with Another indication for antiplatelet therapy. The optimal treatment of VTE in MM patients is not well established; in reference to: the same approach as in patients suffering from another type of tumor, very appropriate it seems to be. These should be patients treated with LMWH during the first six months. The therapeutic dose can be reduced to 2 / 3-3 / 4 after about a month. The therapy should be reassessed after 6 months and therapy after long-term using warfarin, or LMWH should be considered, unless it achieves complete remission of myeloma.

Multiple Myeloma Cured: What is Multiple Myeloma?

Cure for multiple myeloma – Multiple myeloma is a malignant blood cancer that arises from plasma cells. These cells are a special type of blood cells that are responsible for the production of immunoglobulins (proteins helping the body to fight infections). Normal plasma cells mature and multiply when the body needs them, and cease to exist when they are not needed. Tumor generally consists of abnormal cells that uncontrollably grow, divide, and not to their natural extinction.
Multiple myeloma arises out if the growth of the plasma cells in the control. These pathologically changed plasma cells gather in the bone marrow and sometimes in other organs. The population of neoplastic myeloma cells may in some cases damage the normal bone tissue, and thus cause bone pain and sometimes even spontaneous fractures, which then we call fractures pathological.
Neoplastic plasma cells also may oppress the bone marrow and prevent healthy cells to work normally. Therefore, patients with multiple myeloma may have reduced the formation of white and red blood cells as well as platelets, necessary for blood clotting. And in addition, due to the fact that healthy plasma cells help the body fight infection are suppressed, the body is not able adequately to fight off the infections. People with multiple myeloma have a greater risk of infectious complications.
Multiple myeloma cured – Most people who have multiple myeloma, a higher age, most commonly in the age group above 60 years. Rarely multiple myeloma occurs in people younger than 40 years (only 2 % of all cases of the disease) . This disease is more common in men than in women. Multiple myeloma accounts for only 1 % of all neoplastic diseases, malignant blood tumors represents about 10 % of all cases. The incidence of the disease accounts for 2 – 4 cases/100.000 inhabitants. The cause of is yet unknown.
Can be Multiple Myeloma Hereditary?

Myeloma is not inherently conditional and there is no clear evidence of increased incidence of myeloma among close relatives of patients with myeloma or other tumor. However, there are very rare reports of families with the occurrence of several cases of myeloma. The significance of these cases remains so far unclear.
What Causes Multiple Myeloma and what are the Risk Factors?

Own the cause of the disease is yet unknown. Considering a combination of a number of possible influences and factors, which, however, have not been clearly defined. There are generally certain factors, which, however, can make someone more susceptible to developing cancer than the other. These factors are called risk. Among the most commonly reported risk factors include, for example, some congenital genetic changes, exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation and prolonged exposure to certain chemicals.
What are the Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma?

Cure of multiple myeloma – Own symptoms depends on the degree of the disease. The main symptoms of multiple myeloma include bone pain, anemia, and symptoms caused by failure of kidney function (some patients). Bone pain arise by the disruption of the bone myeloma cells (in these places may appear the so-called osteolytic foci). Sometimes that might lead to a spontaneous fracture. Anemia (lack of red blood cells) arises as a result of the oppression of normal cells in the bone marrow that make red blood cells. Anemia causes fatigue and feeling short of breath, particularly while moving. Some patients is the pathological protein in the form of light chains excreted in the urine and can cause kidney damage. This may lead to the failure of their feature and it leads to a loss of appetite and nausea and a reduced excluded the urine. Some patients are more frequent infection due to the lack of normal immunoglobulins.
The presence of these symptoms does not automatically mean that the individual has with the certainty of multiple myeloma. They could be caused by other diseases. Who has any of these symptoms, you should discuss them with your doctor.

Cure of: Multiple Myeloma can be Detected Early?

Although it is better to detect the cancer early, it can be easily and effectively treated, there is no test plan standard for early detection of multiple myeloma. People who believe that they there is some risk about they need to speak with Your doctor.

How is Multiple Myeloma Diagnosed?

The first step to establish a diagnosis of multiple myeloma is the history, doctors ask about medications, family history and exposure to adverse environmental conditions such as. Rays. The doctor also makes a physical examination, which checks the entire body if they do not present signs of disease.
Other tests commonly used to diagnosis of multiple myeloma is:
  • X-ray skeleton – full body X-ray is usually done whether or not the patient’s symptoms. This will help the doctor assess the extent of the disease. It also helps to reveal the damaged bone and cartilage is broken.
  • Examination of the paraprotein – producing plasma cells producing different proteins called immunoglobulin. In subjects with plasma cells of multiple myeloma only produce one type of immunoglobulin that does not operate and excessive. Called paraprotein or monoclonal immunoglobulin. The level of paraprotein help the doctor determine the stage of disease. This Protein can also be found in the urine. Measure the level of paraprotein in the blood and urine tests are important for patients with multiple myeloma.
  • Bone marrow aspiration or bone marrow biopsy, the method to detect tumor cells in the bone marrow. Aspiration (suction) the Doctor Insert the needle into the sternum or iliac and remove a little fluid and cells from the bone marrow. When the biopsy, the doctor uses a needle to get the bone rollers.
  • A biopsy of the osteolytic focus – if there are osteolytic lesions suspected tumor plasma cells and bone marrow biopsy is nondiagnostic, it is desirable to perform material removal orthopedic directly from the bearing osteolytic for histological examination detailed. Biopsy is the most reliable way to determine a diagnosis.
May be Each Provided With a Diagnostic Assessment?
Many patients with cancer need in a situation of serious diagnostic evaluation more than other doctors. There are many reasons to get a second opinion, including when the patient is not satisfied with the decision of the treatment, the type of tumor is rare and if there are different treatments for cancer.
How is it Possible to Get a Diagnostic Assessment ?
There are many ways to get this report:
  • The general doctor should be able to recommend specialists such as surgeons, oncologists and clinical radiologists-oncologists. Sometimes these doctors work together at cancer centers or programs.
  • Patients can get names of doctors from the medical organization, local hospital, neighbors, school of medicine, as well as from others who have had this type of tumor.
Directory of specialists assembled by the status and specialization, and provide information about their background. The source of the information that is available in most libraries and aspects of online hospital and healthcare organizations. Like on this site.

Multiple Myeloma Cure: What are Clinical Trials?

Clinical studies are testing new anticancer drugs. Doctors do clinical trials to see how well it works new treatment and what side effects. If the results look promising, compared to the best treatment that be used to determine whether the work is better or has fewer side effects. For patients participating in this study is the advantage that they can be accessed with the new method of treatment even before they are approved by state agencies. Participants can also help further understanding of the tumor and thus help themselves and the patient in the future.
What’s New in Multiple Myeloma Research?

Research in oncology give the people hope. Doctors and researchers from around the world learn more about what causes multiple myeloma and search and learn ways to prevent this disease. While also looking for a better way of detection (detection) and treatment of this disease.
Conduct research to improve the survival of patients with multiple myeloma treated with high-dose chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation, which is still considered the most effective but also the method of treatment most difficult for patients.
Great interest is now paid to the. Immunomodulatory drug that has the ability to affect the immune response in the organism, and the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis), which is an important process in the formation of tumor cells. The drug is form of biological treatment and its mechanism of action is different from conventional chemotherapy. The exact location and indications in the treatment of multiple myeloma not even see. Among the drugs tested in this class include thalidomide, bortezomib (Velcade) and Actimid Revlimid.
There Is An Association For Patients With Multiple Myeloma?

Multiple myeloma cure – Yes, in May 2006. The club was founded ,, of patients with multiple myeloma, “and since March 2007, no independent relationship based in Brno. The club currently has five groups of regional organizations in Prague, Brno, Plzen, Hradec Kralove and Olomouc. The membership base represents approximately 170 members consist mainly of multiple myeloma patients and their families. patients Club very closely with a group of myeloma Czech republic and public and private organizations.

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