Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations


Breast cancer screening recommendations – Breast cancer, non-skin cancer of the most regular sort and all over the world of women’s cancer for the demise of the most continuous Reasons for U.S. women to pass of cancer the 2nd incessant reason. In the United States breast cancer most of the patient’s conscious attention to the number of the first to tell them, despite the fact that the irregular screening for the study that has been analyzed. Discovery, screening Mammography both for breast cancer bite the dust, which reduces the chances of early treatment encourage the use of recommended. Metastatic breast cancer bite the dust of possibility, they are in the 1980s there were about 33%, it is breast cancer treatment enhancement, screening more than mortality, the reduction of the charge means imagined.

Breast cancer screening recommendations for breast cancer, creating a risk, consider screening the choice of which may affect the different variables, and screening benefits and damage is here to talk about it. Breast cancer hereditary inclination of women to have a recognizable proof and administration, and breast cancer in individual women with a history of the reconnaissance, independently of the details talking about. Women’s breast cancer screening and the validity of and loss of the check, Mammography execution of the attribute, individually for said.

Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations: Situation

Breast cancer has increased since the age of 40 to 50 years old – Breast cancer screening recommendations – In Japan, approximately 53,000 women have been diagnosed with breast cancer for one year. This shows that it is one of the most common cancers in women, alongside stomach cancer and colon cancer. The characteristic of breast cancer is that it is especially seen by women from 40 to 50 years old. For example, a woman who is 45 to 49 years old and diagnosed with stomach cancer has a risk of approximately three times as much as one in 1,000 people, whereas breast cancer is one in 3,000 people per year. In addition, the incidence of breast cancer in the age of 40 to 50 years has increased by about twice as much in the past two decades. On the other hand, women who die of breast cancer are 12,000 people per year, and 25% of cancer deaths in women aged 40 to 50, which is the most common cause of cancer deaths for women of this age.

Related: Breast Cancer Screening Age

Comparison with the West – Breast cancer screening by mammography is scientifically confirmed to be effective in the sense of reducing the mortality rate of breast cancer. In many industrialized countries, mammography is recommended for breast cancer screening, and 50% of women aged 40 to 64 in the United States have more than 70% of women from 50 to 70 years in the UK. As a result, in the United States and the United Kingdom, breast cancer mortality continues to decrease despite the increase in breast cancer incidence. In Japan, the rate of screening for breast cancer by mammography and breast ultrasound is about 20% over 40 years old. As a result, the incidence of breast cancer has increased in Japan, and the mortality rate of breast cancer continues to increase in proportion to this.

Cancer Screening by Mammography

What is mammography? The mammography is placed on one side of the breast, with an X-ray film and a plate of transparent plastic, and the breast is flattened and photographed (this is called pressure). Pressure can be used to clear the appearance of the inside of the breast, and to reduce radiation exposure dose. It may be painful in the case of pressure, but the way you feel the pain is different depending on the person. The entire inspection takes about ten minutes, but the time of the pressure is tens. Avoiding the week before menstruation seems to be less painful. Regardless of the size of the breast, photography is possible. By mammography, it is possible to detect early cancer which is not understood by visual palpation. More than 70% of breast cancer found in mammography can undergo breast-sparing surgery with early cancer.

It is used in conjunction with inspection by Visual palpation (see under the breast jamb, touch)
Although mammography is an accurate test, it may be difficult to see small shadows in the case of pre-menopausal women who have developed mammary gland tissues. In order to compensate for this, the view palpation by the Doctor is used together.

I’d like to see you once every two years. It is almost as effective as when you visit a doctor every year, even once in two years. However, when a new lump is touched after the consultation, the Doctor of the breast surgery etc. which specializes in the treatment of the chest disease should be consulted promptly.

See also: Breast Cancer Screening Family History

Breast cancer screening recommendations – Be sure to take the precision test. When a breast cancer screening is received by mammography (combined with visual palpation), a precise inspection is usually required for 8% of those who are consulted. Among those who have undergone a thorough examination, it is approximately 4% diagnosed with breast cancer. In other words, 0.3% of the patients diagnosed with breast cancer. If you are told that you need a precise inspection, be sure to consult.

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