Cancerous Brain Tumor


Cancerous brain tumor – A cancerous tumor is characterized by the existence of a mass of cancer cells. To speak of a cancerous tumor, this is not actually the size of the tumor that matters, but the presence of diseased cells.

Cancerous Brain Tumor: Tumor Cells

Cancer cells are characterized by a multitude of properties that are specific to them. The main one is an ability to multiply way faster than the majority of the cells of the body. Cancer cells behave as if they perished not… In fact, their multiplication, fails to be down-regulated. Cancerous brain tumor – This runaway of the cell reproduction has the main cause: the aging of the cells, a gene of predisposition, environmental factors (tobacco, pesticides, ultra-violet…), etc.

Tumor Said To Be Solid – When we speak of a cancerous tumor, we speak of a solid tumor. In other words, the cells have proliferated to form a mass. This is to be distinguished from leukemias or lymphomas where cancer cells are in the bloodstream does not constitute a solid mass. Multiplying, the sick cells go on to form a cancerous tumor that tends to grow. If at the beginning, the cells remain initially localized, little by little, they tend to infiltrate the surrounding tissues… to earn the bloodstream or the lymphatic system. Thus, the cancer cells will migrate more or less far from the initial tumor. Cancerous brain tumor – They will develop to the level of what is called a metastasis. Thus, the cancer cells reach a lymph node or another organ. One speaks of metastatic tumor.

See also: How is Brain Cancer Diagnosed

A cancerous tumour is to be distinguished from the tumor known as benign. Example of a benign tumor very common in women: the uterine fibroid. It is not likely to progress to cancer. In the example of the fibroid, depending on its volume and its location, the potential problems it can cause, a specific treatment may be necessary. The benign tumor is defined by different criteria: it is generally well delineated, and the cells that it contains do not have a character with cancer. The benign tumor is usually assumed well-defined, and the cells do not multiply significantly as in the case of cancer.

The treatment of a benign tumor is, of course, very different from a cancerous tumor, also known as a malignant tumor.

Cancerous Brain Tumor: Detect a Cancerous Tumor

In oncology, the main challenge is to be able to detect a cancerous tumor in the stage as small as possible, the earliest possible to be able to offer treatment promptly.

Today, it is even capable of identifying some lesions that have not yet developed into cancer. Well, at the level of the neck of the uterus or intestines, we can visualize a lesion that may become cancerous and remove them before a cancer tumor is. There are also ways to detect a tumor at an early stage, with, in particular, to biological markers (blood test) for prostate cancer, for example; or by medical imaging examinations, for the cancer of the breast (mammography).

See also: Brain Tumor Symptoms in Women

But you should know that the only way to diagnose with certainty nature cancerous tumor is to perform a biopsy (a sample). It then sends these samples to a laboratory for analysis which seeks to ascertain whether or not there are cancer cells. The lab will analyze the different biological features of these cells. They are many and depend on the size, location, extent of this tumor and its biological characteristics. The main treatment is surgery to remove the tumor. The surgeon removes, as much as possible, and the tumor, and even a little beyond that to remove any cancer cells that are infiltrated in the surrounding tissue. It is sometimes necessary to remove lymph nodes affected by the disease.

Other cancer treatments are radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted drugs, immunotherapy. Very often, different treatments are associated to fight against the cancerous tumor. Some of these treatments may only be issued to the hospital (radiotherapy), but others can be taken at home (sometimes in the context of a hospitalization home – HAD).

Cancerous brain tumor – Most of these treatments have harmful side effects, against which, fortunately, solutions do exist. These side effects can be important. Besides these treatments that attack the cancer tumor, it is important to be supported psychologically. Many doctors also insist on the practice of physical activity (in the limits of its resources). This physical activity helps to increase the chances of recovery.

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