What is Cancer Biology Definition And Introduction


What is cancer biology definition – Cancer cells behave independently, grow without control to form cancer. Cancer grows in a series of steps. The first step is hyperplasia, which means that there are too many cells that result from the uncontrolled division of cells and what is called cancer Biology.

With “Cancer” We call a group of diseases characterized by the division and uncontrolled spread of abnormal cells. The first description of the disease with the above features are found in two Egyptian papyrus (Edwin Smith and George Ebers), thinks it was written around 1600 BC and obtain information that dates back to 2500 BC.

However, the first, who addressed this issue from a medical standpoint and sought treatment, was Hippocrates around 400 BC Who called this Cancer group (crab) because of the similarity between the image of a tumor presenting the body And the extension, the crab body, and its feet. Therefore, according to Hippocrates, and based on its theory of the four juices of the body, cancer is a result of an increase in the number of “blackball” and can be cured at an early stage. In the coming centuries, some scientists have dealt with this topic by developing possible theories and treatments. In 1971, Richard Nixon as president of the United States officially declared “war on cancer” by signing the Cancer Act and created the National Institute of Cancer (NCI).

Cells are the constituent block of all living organisms. Each of our organs consists of special cells that perform various functions such as oxygen transport, nutritional digestion, waste excretion, etc. In order to function properly, it is necessary to replace the cells “wear out”, and there is a direct response to the needs of our body (for example, the bone marrow increases the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen to seven times or more in response to Bleeding or high altitude, some each function performed by cells, it is defined and controlled by DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA is very complex molecules made in the nucleus of the cell and serves as “brains”. In human cells, DNA is organized in 46 “sections”, chromosomes. Specific basic DNA Sort is genes that contain specific genetic information saved. Each gene occupies a certain position on a chromosome, and its products, which is a protein or RNA, called the gene product. Together, proteins and RNA to control the cell. They decide what kind of cell that will be produced, which will produce, when it is divided and when it dies, is a gene that contains the genetic information available to Impan.

Each gene occupies a specific position on the chromosome. and the product, which is a protein or RNA, is called a gene product. Proteins and RNA control cells together. They decide what type of cell will be produced, what will be produced, when it is divided and when it dies, which is a gene containing stored genetic information. Each gene occupies a specific position on the chromosome. and the product, which is a protein or RNA, is called a gene product. Proteins and RNA control cells together. They decide what kind of cell will be produced, what will be produced, when it is divided and when it dies.

Cells are divided only when they receive an adequate signal from circulating growth factors or from cells that come into direct contact. For example, if a person loses blood, a growth factor called erythropoietin produced in the kidneys is released into the bloodstream and signals the bone marrow to produce more blood cells.

Dividing cells is done through a complex mechanism called the cellular cycle. This particular process, which involves several phases, has a checkpoint at every step to make sure everything works according to your needs.

Sometimes, however, in splitting, the gene cell may undergo changes (suffering structural damage, loss or doubling twice). This change is called a mutation. Genetic mutations can affect cells in many ways. Some inhibit the production of several proteins, some of them change their structure so that it does not work properly or even at all, what is another triggering genes that should not be active in a particular cell to produce more protein than necessary. Usually, some mutations are needed before the cell can be cured.

Mutations can affect genes that control growth and adequate cell division. In this case, we are talking about the first oncogenes genes and tumor suppressor. The mutations of the former triggers (and again called oncogenes) and make the “stimulated” permanent, led to the promotion of cell division at a fast and uncontrolled pace. On the other hand, tumor suppressor genes, which in their normal form depresses uncontrolled cell division and induces apoptosis (death) of cells when subjected to a cessation of problematic mutations to function properly.

Introduction to Cancer Biology

1. Types of Circulation: What is cancer biology? There are two types of genetic mutations: hereditary and acquired. In the case of inherited genetic mutations, mutant genes are found in sperm and/or in parent eggs. When the egg is fertilized, make a cell that you call zygote. Because all the cells of new organisms come from the first cell that carries mutations, mutant genetic genes will follow and send them to the next generation. Hereditary mutations form a small percentage of cancers (such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes that increase the likelihood of breast and ovarian cancer).

The genetic mutation gene can occur in several random phases of a person’s life, initially in the cell and then in the next cell that will come from it. This mutation is not inherited and is the majority cause of cancer.

2. What about Cancellation and cancer? It is important to understand that genetic mutations are continuously occurring in our cells. Each time a cell is divided, there is a risk of creating mutations. Usually, cells understand changes and correct them. If corrective action cannot be undertaken, the cellular death process (apoptosis) begins. Usually, they need more than one mutation in the cell to start to behave like cancer. Also, genetic mutations are built over time. When someone inherits a “problem ” gene, it starts at a more advanced stage than anyone who carries a healthy gene. This is why most cancers that are inherited occur at a younger age than the same type of cancer. In individuals born with healthy genes, some will move during their lifetime. Some acquired mutations can be caused by radiation exposure, smoking, food, viral infections, while others do not have a clear reason.

It should be noted that there are mutations (progeny or not), although genes do not directly correlate with carcinogenesis indirectly involved in metabolism, hormone production and other mechanisms in the development of cancer. Some acquired mutations can be caused by radiation exposure, smoking, food, viral infections, while others do not have a clear reason. It should be noted that there are mutations (inherited and not) found in genes that are not directly related to carcinogenicity, which is indirectly involved through metabolism, hormone production and other mechanisms in the development of cancer.

For genetic mutations, the term of invasiveness is used as a possibility to express mutations in the lives of those who wear them. If all those with a certain mutation are ill, then they are considered to have complete penetration. If not, if only some people are sick, penetration is considered incomplete.

What is cancer biology? Unfortunately, there is no way to say with certainty that someone will present a form of cancer during life. The creation of cancer cells is part of the basic biological functions of living organisms, cell division, and mutation. The evolution of all organisms must be carried out with “random” genetic mutations. Sometimes it’s for our sake, and some don’t. Health technology has made a huge leap and now offers innovative methods to prevent others and treat different types of cancer. Preventive control, exercise, proper nutrition, stopping smoking and avoiding radiation are our shields against cancer.

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