Stage 1 Testicular Cancer Treatment


Stage 1 treatment of testicular cancer – the treatment of testicular cancer is one of the September success stories in oncology. For 7600 cases per year, the US represents 1% of all cancer cases. However, young adult males represent almost 25% of all cancers. The incidence of testicular cancer has increased in the last 50 to 60 years, both in the United States and in northern Europe. In 1973, U.S. incidents were 3 of 100 000; Now it’s 6 at 100 000. The incidence is very low in blacks and remains stable at 1 to 2 to 100 000.

When the histological type of testicular cancer is considered, the peak incidence is decreased in the age group slightly later than whether it is embryonic cell carcinoma or a teratoma is linked. ( Stage 1 treatment of testicular cancer ) Moreover, the rate of embryonic and new choriocarcinoma events has not changed; It grows especially between seminoma and teratoma. For 7600 cases of aggressive and potentially fatal malignancy, only 400 deaths per year. The treatment is therefore very successful.

The treatment of testicular cancer is mainly based on the type and stage of cancer. Between the different stages of germ cell tumors have a pure seminoma tendency to be treated in one way and no-seminomové and mixed germ cell tumors are treated in a different way.

Stage 1 Testicular Cancer Treatment

1. Stage I seminoma. These cancers can be cured in almost all patients. You must undergo surgery to remove the testicles and the sperm cord (called radical inguinal orchiectomy). After the surgery you have many treatment options:

Careful monitoring (check): If the cancer does not extend beyond the testicles, the most preferred plan of most experts is that you are carefully monitored by physicians for up to 10 years. This means that every year after 3 to 6 months, a physical examination and a blood test will take place, and less often after that. Imaging tests (CT scans and sometimes X-ray examinations on the chest) are performed every 3 months for 6 months and then once or twice a year. If these tests do not find any indication that the cancer has spread outside the testicles, no further treatment is needed. If the cancer has spread, you may get a cure such as radiation or chemotherapy. Cancer will return approximately 15% to 20% of patients, most commonly because they spread to the lymph nodes, but if they do, radiation sickness or chemotherapy can still cure cancer.

Radiation therapy: radiation focused on para-aortic lymph nodes is another option. This knot is behind the stomach (around the stomach) around a large blood vessel called the aorta. Due to the fact that seminomové cells are very sensitive to radiation, low doses can be used and you get approximately 10 to 15 treatments for 2 to 3 weeks.

Chemotherapy: a choice that works just like radiation is 1 or 2 cycles of chemotherapy with a carboplatin drug after surgery. Many experts prefer chemotherapy radiation because it seems easier to tolerate.

2. Stadium I non-seminoma. Hampir semua kanker ini dapat disembuhkan, tetapi perawatannya berbeda dari seminoma. Seperti seminoma, perawatan awal adalah operasi untuk mengangkat testis dan tumor (disebut orchiektomi inguinal radikal). Pilihan perawatan lainnya akan bergantung pada panggung.

3. Option for stage IA (T1). Careful observation (surveillance): supervision is preferred by most specialists, but needs a lot of medical visits and examinations. You will start every 2 months for the first year, with CT scan every 4 to 6 months. Then every 3 months for the second year, with a scan every 6 to 12 months. With the passage of time and you have no problems, the time between visits and tests becomes longer. If the cancer returns (relapse), usually in the first two years. Relapses are generally treated with chemotherapy. Although most patients would relapse with supervision compared to lymph nodes, the degree of treatment is almost the same as the usual early relapse.

retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND): Has the lymph nodes in the back of the abdomen (stomach) were appointed has the advantage of high-rate treatment, but the loss of a major business with potential complications, including Loss of ability to ejaculate naturally. After RPLND, if the cancer is found in the gland, chemotherapy may be recommended.

Chemotherapy: Instead of surgery, your doctor may recommend that you take a cycle BEP regimen (Bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin). This helps reduce the risk of relapse.

4. Options for the IB phase (T2, T3, or T4). retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND): This is surgery to remove lymph nodes in the back of the abdomen (abdomen). If the cancer is found in the lymph nodes, chemotherapy is often recommended depending on the number of cancer nodes in it.

Chemotherapy: Instead of surgery, your doctor may recommend a cycle of BEP regimen (Bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin). This can help you reduce the risk of returning the cancer. If the cancer is located in your lymph nodes after surgery, you can take 2 to 4 cycles of BiH or ER (etoposide, and cisplatin). It depends on the number of nodes that have cancer in it. It has a high hardening rate but may have side effects (which are usually short-term).

Careful monitoring (supervision): This requires frequent visits and tests by doctors for several years. This may be an option if you have a T2 volume that does not reach the blood vessels.

If the cancer disappears with treatment and then returns, it is said to relapse or relapse. If this occurs, usually within the first 2 years after treatment. Generally, if cancer occurs, it may be best to obtain a second opinion from the center with extensive experience in treating when testicular cancer before starting treatment.

The treatment of repeated tumor stem cells depends on the initial treatment and the occurrence of cancer. The cancer that back in the retroperitoneal lymph nodes can be treated with surgery to remove a node (RPLND) If the relapse is small and if the only surgical treatment given earlier is orchiectomy. Depending on the outcome of the procedure, chemotherapy may also be recommended.

Stage 1 treatment of testicular cancer – If it appears that the cancer has relapsed in many retroperitoneal lymph nodes or if the cancer has returned to another part, usually chemotherapy is recommended. This can be followed by surgery. If a person has cancer after chemotherapy or if the treatment no longer works, they should be treated with different regimens of chemotherapy, which typically include Ifosfamide, cisplatin, and either Etoposide, paclitaxel, or Vinblastine.

Treatment of testicular cancer that has relapsed after chemotherapy is not always as effective as it is desired doctor so some doctors may suggest a high dose of chemotherapy followed by stem transplantation Cell. This may be a better option for some men with the relapsing disease, than typical chemotherapy. New clinical care tests can also be a good choice.

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