Testicular Cancer Treatment Recovery Time


Testicular cancer treatment recovery time – If you are diagnosed with testicular cancer, your doctor may have talked to you about a testicular resection, surgically removing one or two testicles. The testes or testicles are the male genital organs that produce sperm and testosterone. Why do you have testicular resection? It is often necessary to treat testicular cancer. But it can also help if the testicles are damaged by infection or injury. Sometimes it is part of prostate cancer or breast cancer treatment. When doctors suspect that you have cancer, they usually take a tumor and look for cells under a microscope. They can’t really do this with testicular cancer because there is a risk of cancer spreading.

Instead, they almost always do the so-called radical inguinal testicular resection. This is called “radical” because it can remove the spermatic cord as well as the testicles and tumors. The umbilical cord has blood and lymphatic vessels that allow cancer to spread to other parts of the body. In a simple testicular resection, the doctor can only remove one or two testicles.

This surgery can relieve symptoms, prevent prostate cancer problems, and treat male breast cancer. In a radical inguinal testicular resection, your surgeon will make a small block over your genital area. He pushes your testicles upward and pulls them out of the hole.

Surgery does not affect the penis or scrotum, which is the sac that covers the testicles. Surgery usually takes about one hour. The doctor will close the wound with a staple needle or suture. He will be released in a week. You can go home on the day of the operation or be hospitalized briefly. During recovery, these doses and limits after surgery will help you recover:

  • Store iced compression or cold compression on the scrotum to Redukovali swelling. It should be better in a few days. Do not store ice for more than 15 minutes at a time.
  • Your doctor may recommend that you wear comfortable jockstrap or underwear for a few days to help with the swelling as well.
  • Take painkillers as prescribed. Don’t drive until you stop taking medication, and the doctor says it’s okay.
  • Your doctor will tell you when you can shower. You have to go to the spa and swim until the injuries in the surgical procedure have healed.
  • Your doctor will show you how to handle injuries. Check every day to see if there are any signs of infection or other problems.
  • Relax a few days after surgery. Lift heavy objects, do not have sex or you are practicing for several weeks. Follow your doctor’s instructions.
  • If you have surgery for cancer, you may need to undergo chemotherapy or radiation to reduce the chances of the remaining cancer cells spreading.

What Is Orchiectomy Surgery?

Testicular cancer treatment recovery time – Generally, orchiectomy is an operation that removes one or both testicles. This is mainly done to treat testicular cancer or advanced prostate cancer. You can expect to feel better every day, even if you could suffer mild to moderate pain a few days after surgery. You may need medication for pain during this time. Your scrotum will swell after surgery. This is normal. Swelling usually decreases in 2 to 4 weeks.
You must be able to carry out most of your normal activities after 2 to 3 weeks, except those that require a lot of physical effort. It is important to avoid tensioning with bowel movements and to make weights while you recover.
If your testicles are removed, you can start to notice changes in your body. Weeks after surgery because you don’t have male hormones. The most obvious changes can be hot flashes and sweating. You may lose your sexual drive, gain weight or not get an erection. This change can be disruptive. Talk to your doctor about treatments that might help you. This treatment sheet gives you an overview of the duration of the recovery. But everyone recovered at different speeds. Follow the steps below to improve as quickly as possible.

Testicular Cancer Treatment Options Methods

Testicular cancer treatment recovery time – Treatment of prostate cancer is traditionally a surgical procedure where the prostate gland is removed in whole or in part and radiotherapy, where radioactive emissions are used to burn cancerous cells. For decades it is the only effective procedure that can eliminate prostate cancer.
New therapies have emerged over the past decade through research conducted around the world. Most of these include several operational procedures that you must perform, even if you do not need to delete the network.
1. Choice of surgery. All treatment options involving surgery require overnight stays in the hospital at least at night before starting treatment. Some operating options may require hospitalization for one or several days, depending on the procedure and how quickly you can recover from it.
Prostatectomy is a surgical procedure in which the whole prostatic gland is removed. It is often prescribed in patients with limited prostate cancer. Along with the prostate is also eliminated the seminal Dagger, which brings sperm into the urethra, parts of the bladder neck and lymph nodes.
As a result of the loss of these organs, impotence is a common side effect with mild to severe urinary incontinence. Additionally, the recovery time may be slow. Dissolvability lymph nodes are the removal of only lymph nodes that are attached to the prostatic gland. Lymph nodes occupy around the urethra on both sides of the prostate gland. Muscle tissue in the lymph nodes allows you to regulate the flow of urine through the urethra. The removal of lymph nodes in many patients may cause mild to moderate urinary incontinence.
Transurethral resection is a less invasive procedure. This is done to remove or remove blockages in the urethra. Cutting tools or surgical incisions are inserted into the penis and the prostate gland is too large to be cut out or burned. Side effects of this surgery may cause mild to moderate urinary incontinence.
2. Radiation therapy. All radiotherapy treatments work on the principle that radioactive emissions burn cancer cells to eliminate them and prevent further growth. Radiation therapy with external beams, or EBRT, uses high-energy radioactive particles for the pelvis from outside-body devices. When particles attack cancer cells, they are quickly heated and burnt. This procedure is carried out for 5 consecutive days for about 5 to 7 weeks in a row. There is no need for anesthesia and is usually performed outpatient.
Complications that may occur are usually marked by inflammation of the rectum or bladder or both; Impotence starts up to 12 months after treatment; And the radiation burns to the sphincter or intestine.
Similar therapies, albeit slightly different, are beam protons therapy. While still using an external source for the beam, the beans consist of ions charged rather than radioactivity. The principle of burning cancer cells remains the same. Physicians who practice solar radiation therapy claim that the risk of side effects is lower than traditional radiation therapy, even though clinical trials have not proven this in a convincing manner.
3. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a new non-surgical and non-invasive treatment. It has been available in Europe for more than a decade and has been approved by Health Canada in the year 2003. Currently, it is not available in the United States. With HIFU for prostate cancer, patients undergo a 2-3hodinovou ambulatory procedure where the focused ultrasound waves are used with proper precision to kill cancerous tissue.

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