Mesothelioma Treatment Options


Mesothelioma treatment options – Malignant mesothelioma is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells are formed in the shape of the chest or abdominal cavity. Malignant mesothelioma is a disease which is malignant (cancer) cells in pleura (thin layer of tissue that directs the thoracic cavity and covers the lungs) or the peritoneum (the thin layer of tissue that causes of the abdomen and covers most of the organs in the abdominal cavity). Malignant mesothelioma can also be formed in the heart or testis, but it is rare.

Related: Symptoms of Lung Cancer Due to Smoking

Exposure to asbestos can affect the risk of malignant mesothelioma. Anything that increases your chances of getting a disease is called a risk factor. Having a risk factor does not mean you will get cancer; without risk factors does not mean that you will not get cancer. Mesothelioma treatment options – Talk to your doctor if you think you are in danger.
Most people with malignant mesothelioma worked or lived in places where they nautical you or swallowed asbestos. After he is exposed to asbestos, as a rule, it takes a long time to form a malignant mesothelioma. To live with a person who works near asbestos is also a risk factor for malignant mesothelioma.

Treatment Of Mesothelioma Based On The Possibility Of Cancer

The level (extent) of a mesothelioma is an important factor in determining treatment options. But other factors, such as whether the doctor feels the cancer that can be ripped (all of the cancer can be seen with surgery), as well as general health and preferences of a person, also play a role. Mesothelioma treatment options – Mesotheliomas can be difficult to be treated, whether the cancer can be ripped or not. It is very important for you to understand the goal of treatment before it starts – either to cure the cancer or help relieve symptoms – as well as the benefits and possible risks. This can help you make informed decisions when looking at your treatment options.

See also: Peritoneal Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesotheliomas can be treated – In general, most level I and some level of mesotheliomas of the pleural II and III potential can be parsed, but there are exceptions. Whether the tumor can be ripped also based on subtype (most doctors do not believe that the tumor sarcomatoid assisted with resection), where it is in the body, how far it has grown into the tissues nearby, and if the person is healthy enough to undergo surgery.
Many people with mesothelioma of the pleura can be ripped to have the cancer removed by both pleurectomy/decortication (P / D) or pneumonectomy extrapleural (EPP). Surgery are more likely to give long-term benefits in early stage cancer, where there is a better chance that most or all of the cancer can be removed. The EPP may offer the best opportunity to get rid of the cancer, but it is a complex operation and wide which most likely will result in complications, and not all patients can tolerate it.
Patients with mesotheliomas peritoneal early stage may also benefit from surgery to remove as much as possible cancer. This can be combined with intraperitoneal chemotherapy heated (HIPEC). Some patients have a recurrence long after treatment. Surgery can also help some cancer the next stage, but the benefits are more likely to survive only in a short time.
Sometimes, the surgeon may think that cancer can be resolved based on the test imaging (like CT scan) performed prior to surgery, but should the operation be clear that not all cancer can be removed. In this case the surgeon can turn to the operation of a less wide such as P / D (easier to tolerate) or even stop the surgery altogether if it is not possible to help. Treatment then will be the same with mesotheliomas that cannot be felt (see below).
Doctors are still studying whether giving chemotherapy (chemotherapy) before surgery (neoadjuvant therapy) or giving chemotherapy or radiation therapy after surgery (therapy assistant) help but not all doctors agree with the best treatment. Some doctors prefer to give chemotherapy either before or after surgery. Radiation therapy may be used after surgery, either alone or together with chemotherapy.
If you are not healthy enough to undergo a major operation, you will be treated to mesothelioma that is not to be discussed (discussed below). If you are experiencing symptoms due to the formation of fluid in the chest or abdomen, other approaches such as thoracentesis / paracentesis or pleurodesis (described in the procedure division of palliative care) may help. Because this cancer is difficult to treat, taking part in a clinical trial with this form of treatment is more recent probably is a reasonable choice. This type of research usually done in a large medical center.

Mesotheliomas That Can’t Be Felt

Stage IV mesotheliomas, as well as the many mesothelioma the initial level, can not be removed completely by surgery. This can be caused by the level or subtype cancer or because a person may not be healthy enough to undergo the operation. Chemo is the main treatment for this cancer. It can improve symptoms and shrink or slow down cancer growth for a while. Although chemotherapy can help people live longer, it is not possible to cure this cancer. Before starting treatment, the goal of treatment should be clear to you and your family. In people who suffer from mesothelioma early stages which are likely to grow slowly and do not cause any symptoms, observe them closely at first may be a reasonable option. Mesothelioma treatment options – Treatment can be initiated if there are signs that cancer is growing quickly or if it begins to cause symptoms.
Because this cancer is difficult to treat, taking part in a clinical trial with this form of treatment is more recent probably is a reasonable choice. In many cases, treatment aims to relieve symptoms and make you more comfortable can be a good choice. This can include treatments that prevent or reduce the formation of fluid in the body, such as thoracentesis/paracentesis or pleurodesis (described in the procedure section of palliative). Sometimes pleurectomy/decortication can help with breathing and pain in the chest.

See also: What is Mesothelioma Cancer

Pain management is another important aspect in the care of this cancer. Some small operations and the type of radiation therapy can help relieve pain if needed. Doctors can also give medications which can relieve the pain of a strong. Some people with cancer worry to take medication opioid (such as morphine) for fear of being sleepy all the time or become addicted to them. But many people get pain relief that is very effective from this drug without serious side effects. Very important to let the team of cancer care find out if you suffer from pain until it can be treated effectively.
Mesotheliomas repeated – Cancer is called recurrent when it returns after treatment. Relapse can occur in the local area (at or near the same place started) or distant (spread to organs such as the brain or liver). Mesotheliomas often come back after initial treatment. In this case, the choice of further treatment depends on the place of the cancer, what treatments have been used, and the general health of the person.
Mesothelioma treatment options – In most cases, the options will be similar to that listed above for mesotheliomas that can’t be felt. For example, chemotherapy or radiation therapy can be used to shrink or slow the growth of cancer and relieve any symptoms. Because cancer recurrence is often difficult to treat, clinical trials kinds of new treatment may be a good choice. To get more information about relapse, see Handle a Recurrence of Cancer.

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